Manejo y Tratamiento de Alveoloplastia y colocación de prótesis inmediata en paciente edente.

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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad Piloto de Odontología
En este trabajo de investigación dará a conocer el manejo de la técnica de alveoloplastia en cirugía bucal, debido a que en la Facultad Piloto de Odontología ingresan pacientes que presentan: restos radiculares, esquirlas óseas, hiperplasia gingival, bordes óseos irregulares debido a una mala utilización de los instrumentos quirúrgicos etc.; casos que requieren una atención adecuada, sabiendo que esta técnica es el procedimiento quirúrgico empleado para remodelar los procesos alveolares con la finalidad de conseguir una mayor uniformidad y que la prótesis removible parcial o completa tenga mejor adaptación. Su objetivo es Determinar el uso de la técnica de alveoloplastia mediante su estudio teórico práctico, el cual será complementado con la colocación de la prótesis inmediata, detallar el manejo y técnicas de la alveoloplastia, establecer la secuencia de los pasos pre y post operatorios que realizaremos en nuestro proceso quirúrgico, promover el uso de prótesis inmediatas en este tipo de cirugías ya que se busca la pronta rehabilitación del paciente. Se aplicó la metodología con un diseño no-experimental y su método fue teórico inductivo-deductivo. Los resultados fueron.
In this research the main objective was to determine the complications and treatment of paresthesia surgery of the lower third molars in oral surgery. Here he began describing the embryological development of the jaw. A definition of third molars, which are teeth belonging to the permanent dentition, embryologically begin their training at 36 months was calcification at age 9, and his eruption period between 18-25 years, spoke the anomalies that occur during the eruption as impacted teeth that are trapped during the eruption but keeping intact its pericoronary bag, including teeth that have not erupted, without opposition from other tooth and impacted teeth have not erupted, as opposed to another tooth. He was investigated on the classification of the lower third molars according Winter, Pell and Gregory, who classified according to the longitudinal axis in coronal and sagittal plane, and depending on the height and proportion of occlusal surface. He also spoke of the anatomy of the jaw, your body, and branch lines that form; the nerves that innervate each of its parts starting from the trigeminal nerve and its branches; the inferior alveolar, lingual, buccal, mental and incisive nerve. How do the surgery, anesthetic techniques from either direct or indirect, the protocol to follow. It was determined that a paresthesia, a tingling or loss of sensation on one side of the face and the appropriate treatments for a successful recovery from this complication.
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