La motivación en el interés por la lectura en los estudiantes de quinto año básico

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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Filosofiía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación.
The purpose of this educational research work is aimed at examining the causes and solutions for the disinterest in the habit of reading of students of the fifth year of the Leonidas Plaza Unit, Cantón Salitre, Province of Guayas, Zone 08, District 09d20 period lectivo 2018-2019, will be developed through a field investigation, accompanied by bibliographic and statistical material. When carrying out the research work it was possible to notice the learning and pedagogical problems that they have, due to the use of traditional techniques or methods, through the interviews and surveys carried out, it was possible to have a deeper emphasis on the problems of the school; The project will be accompanied by the creation of motivation workshops for reading, classified in six workshops where reading will be encouraged as the main means of learning, which is to awaken interest and motivation for the wide world that contains reading.
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