Cadena de suministros y la competitividad de las pymes en Guayaquil 2009-2013

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Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
Las cadenas de suministros hoy en día le dan un valor importante a sus empresas porque pueden marcar la diferencia frente a la competencia, el buen manejo de esta podría implicar una mejora en todos los aspectos del producto o servicio que ofrecen al consumidor, algunas de estas y las más importantes son la calidad, costos asequibles, rapidez de entrega. Dar este plus a sus productos es beneficioso para las organizaciones ya que se obtienen clientes satisfechos y si es posible la captación de nuevos clientes, esto a su vez implica incrementos de ingresos y ventas significativos que es lo que busca toda empresa. Entre otros beneficios esta la reducción de costos, mejora de organización de los integrantes de la cadena de suministro y otras más que se informaran en los siguientes capítulos. Pero no todas las empresas pueden mantener una organización de estas en sus empresas, es el caso de las PYMES, quienes no cuentan con los recursos de una empresa grande o una multinacional. Por eso es importante analizar cómo se manejan las empresas de este tipo en nuestro país y sobre todo enfocarnos en la ciudad de Guayaquil, que están realizando para enfrentarse a la competencia, y si toman a las cadenas de suministros como una herramienta importante para mantener o hacer crecer sus negocios. Por eso el desarrollo de esta investigación se basa en el impacto que estas cadenas de suministro ocasionan en las PYMES y cuales han sido los cambios o las diferencias que han existido desde el año 2009 hasta el 2013.
Supply chains today give an important value to their businesses because they can make a difference against the competition, good management of this could imply an improvement in all aspects of the product or service offered to the consumer, some of these and the most important are quality, affordable cost, speed of delivery. Give this plus their products is beneficial for organizations as satisfied customers are obtained and whether the acquisition of new customers is possible, this in turn implies significant increases in sales revenue and you look for every business. Other benefits include reduced costs, improved organization of the members of the supply chain and others that were reported in the following chapters. But not all companies can maintain such an organization in their companies, in the case of SMEs, who do not have the resources of a large company or a multinational. Therefore it is important to analyze how such companies are managed in our country and especially focus on the city of Guayaquil, which are made to face the competition, and if you take a supply chain as an important tool to maintain or grow their businesses. Therefore the development of this research is based on the impact that these supply chains cause in SMEs and what were the changes or differences that have existed since 2009 until 2013. Supply chains today give an important value to their businesses because they can make a difference against the competition, good management of this could imply an improvement in all aspects of the product or service offered to the consumer, some of these and the most important are quality, affordable cost, speed of delivery. Give this plus their products is beneficial for organizations as satisfied customers are obtained and whether the acquisition of new customers is possible, this in turn implies significant increases in sales revenue and you look for every business. Other benefits include reduced costs, improved organization of the members of the supply chain and others that were reported in the following chapters. But not all companies can maintain such an organization in their companies, in the case of SMEs, who do not have the resources of a large company or a multinational. Therefore it is important to analyze how such companies are managed in our country and especially focus on the city of Guayaquil, which are made to face the competition, and if you take a supply chain as an important tool to maintain or grow their businesses. Therefore the development of this research is based on the impact that these supply chains cause in SMEs and what were the changes or differences that have existed since 2009 until 2013.
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