La influencia de las condiciones motivacionales aplicadas a la productividad laboral de los empleados de la empresa Cuerocorp S.A.
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La presente investigación nació como producto de la necesidad de despejar dudas en cuanto a la influencia que mantienen las condiciones motivacionales aplicadas a la productividad laboral, motivo por el cual se ha empleado el estudio realizado por Ana Cristina Marín Fernández, Asesora de práctica en la Universidad ICESI. Cali – Colombia, el cual se titula condiciones motivacionales y desarrollo de Carrera, que si bien es cierto este se basa en un estudio transversal, puesto que desea obtener resultados a través del tiempo en relación a las variables: Condiciones motivacionales y desarrollo profesional. Siendo así se han tomado en consideración los aspectos propios de las condiciones motivacionales enmarcados bajo dicho estudio, pero en relación a la productividad laboral. Por lo tanto el estudio toma en consideración la dimensión interna (específicamente el aspecto psicosocial); y la dimensión externa la cual comprende una categoría de variables como eventos externos en los que se encuentran grupo, puesto de trabajo, la tarea, así como comportamiento de jefes como colegas. En relación a lo expuesto anteriormente el objetivo general busca el determinar si inciden o no las condiciones motivacionales a la productividad laboral de los empleados de la empresa Cuerocorp S.A.; y como específico el determinar las categorías de las condiciones motivacionales que influyen en la productividad laboral, así como su afección en dichos empleados.
Finalmente se evidenció que las condiciones motivacionales inciden en la productividad laboral, destacando ciertos factores propios de las condiciones motivacionales, los mismos que se detallan a lo largo de la presente investigación.
This research was born as a result of the need to clear doubts as to the influence that keep the motivational conditions applied to labor productivity, which is why we used the study by Ana Cristina Marin Fernandez, Advisory Practice at the University ICESI. Cali - Colombia, which motivational conditions and career development is entitled, if it is true this is based on a cross sectional study, because you want to get results over time in relation to variables: motivational conditions and professional development. That being the case have been taken into consideration the specific aspects of motivational framed under the study conditions, but in relation to labor productivity. Therefore the study considers the internal dimension (specifically psychosocial aspect); and the external dimension which includes a category of variables and external events that group, job, task, and behavior of leaders and colleagues found. In relation to the above overall objective seeks to determine whether or not the motivational impact labor productivity of company employees Cuerocorp S.A condition .; and how to determine the specific categories of motivational conditions affecting labor productivity, and their condition in those employees. Finally it became clear that the motivational conditions affect labor productivity, highlighting certain motivational factors specific conditions, the same as detailed throughout this investigation
This research was born as a result of the need to clear doubts as to the influence that keep the motivational conditions applied to labor productivity, which is why we used the study by Ana Cristina Marin Fernandez, Advisory Practice at the University ICESI. Cali - Colombia, which motivational conditions and career development is entitled, if it is true this is based on a cross sectional study, because you want to get results over time in relation to variables: motivational conditions and professional development. That being the case have been taken into consideration the specific aspects of motivational framed under the study conditions, but in relation to labor productivity. Therefore the study considers the internal dimension (specifically psychosocial aspect); and the external dimension which includes a category of variables and external events that group, job, task, and behavior of leaders and colleagues found. In relation to the above overall objective seeks to determine whether or not the motivational impact labor productivity of company employees Cuerocorp S.A condition .; and how to determine the specific categories of motivational conditions affecting labor productivity, and their condition in those employees. Finally it became clear that the motivational conditions affect labor productivity, highlighting certain motivational factors specific conditions, the same as detailed throughout this investigation
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