El estrés laboral en el personal administrativo del Sistema Hospitalario Docente de la Universidad de Guayaquil
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Psicológicas
La sociedad actualmente se desarrolla de una manera muy desenfrenada y acelerada, los niveles de exigencia y de desempeño que se presentan en el entorno laboral hacen que el estilo de vida de las personas sea cada vez más estresante, así como son también, lidiar con los problemas de índole social y
emocional. Por este motivo se realizó este trabajo de investigación basado en el tema del estrés laboral, enfocándonos en determinar los efectos que ocasiona a los individuos a nivel psicológico, fisiológico y conductual. Esta investigación tomó como campo de aplicación una institución que presta
servicios de salud, con el fin de determinar cuáles son las fuentes más comunes que ocasionan estrés en el personal del Sistema Hospitalario Docente de la Universidad de Guayaquil, con el fin de proponer en un futuro planes estratégicos que contribuyan a reducir la propagación de esta enfermedad silenciosa en pro del bienestar integral del sujeto y de su colectivo, y los síntomas que estos presentan, así como el efecto que tiene el estrés en el desarrollo personal y profesional de los mismos. En nuestro país existen pocos estudios y/o indicios del manejo de esta temática por tanto era necesario y/o imprescindible
intervenir con un proceso sistémico de diagnóstico, que permita visualizar de una manera más holística este fenómeno. Para poder explicar el estrés laboral, la presente investigación encuentra sustento teórico en las Teoría Demanda Control de Karasek quien explica que el estrés es el resultado de la interacción entre las demandas psicológicas elevadas y la baja libertad de toma de decisiones, es decir, el bajo control. El nivel de
demandas laborales suele proceder del nivel de producción de la empresa, mientras que el nivel de control depende más bien del organigrama (estructura de autoridad, sistema de responsabilidades, etc.).Este trabajo de investigación se realizó a través de la observación, análisis y medición de los resultados para lo cual fue indispensable utilizar un diseño de investigación transaccional o transversal, lo cual permitió describir el Estrés y analizar el efecto del mismo en el periodo 2012. El instrumento utilizado
“Cuestionario Demanda Control –Apoyo Social de Karasek y Theorell”, es de aplicación cuantitativa dentro de la escala de Likert lo que asegure la validez y confiabilidad de los resultados. Para el análisis se consideró la población y muestra del personal Administrativo del periodo 2012; la muestra es
representativa para el objetivo de este estudio. Del análisis de los resultados estadísticos se pudo establecer el número de casos y las diferencias que existen entre factores epidemiológicos y laborales.
Este primer estudio en el SHDUG se convertirá en el punto de partida para futuras investigaciones, proyectos de intervención y seguimiento; que beneficie al conjunto del personal que conforman el Hospital Universitario.
The company currently develops a very rampant and rapidly, levels of demand and performance that occur in the workplace make the lifestyle of people is increasingly stressful and are also dealing with social problems and emotional. Therefore this research based on the theme of work stress, focusing on determining the effects caused individuals to psychological, physiological and behavioral level was performed. This research took as its scope an institution that lends health services, in order to determine the most common sources that cause stress in staff Hospital System Faculty of the University of Guayaquil, in order to propose in the future strategic plans that help reduce the spread of this disease silent towards the integral well-being of the subject and his group, and the symptoms they present, as well as the effect of stress on personal and professional development of them. In our country there are few studies and / or signs of handling this issue by both and / or was necessary essential intervene with a systemic diagnostic process, which allows a more holistic view of that phenomenon. To explain the work stress, this research finds theoretical support in the Demand Theory Control Karasek who explains that stress is the result of the interaction between high psychological demands and low freedom of decision-making, ie low control. The level of labor demands usually come from the production level of the company, while the level of control depends rather on the organizational chart (structure of authority, accountability system, etc.). This research was conducted through observation, analysis and measuring results for which it was necessary to use a transactional or cross design research, which allowed Stress describe and analyze the effect of the same period in 2012. the instrument used "Demand Control Questionnaire Social -Support of Karasek and Theorell" is quantitative application within the Likert scale which ensures the validity and reliability of results. To analyze the sample population and administrative staff for the period 2012 was considered; the sample is representative for the purpose of this study. Analysis of statistical results could set the number of cases and the differences between epidemiological and occupational factors. This first study SHDUG will become the starting point for future research, intervention and monitoring projects; that benefits the entire staff that make up the University Hospital.
The company currently develops a very rampant and rapidly, levels of demand and performance that occur in the workplace make the lifestyle of people is increasingly stressful and are also dealing with social problems and emotional. Therefore this research based on the theme of work stress, focusing on determining the effects caused individuals to psychological, physiological and behavioral level was performed. This research took as its scope an institution that lends health services, in order to determine the most common sources that cause stress in staff Hospital System Faculty of the University of Guayaquil, in order to propose in the future strategic plans that help reduce the spread of this disease silent towards the integral well-being of the subject and his group, and the symptoms they present, as well as the effect of stress on personal and professional development of them. In our country there are few studies and / or signs of handling this issue by both and / or was necessary essential intervene with a systemic diagnostic process, which allows a more holistic view of that phenomenon. To explain the work stress, this research finds theoretical support in the Demand Theory Control Karasek who explains that stress is the result of the interaction between high psychological demands and low freedom of decision-making, ie low control. The level of labor demands usually come from the production level of the company, while the level of control depends rather on the organizational chart (structure of authority, accountability system, etc.). This research was conducted through observation, analysis and measuring results for which it was necessary to use a transactional or cross design research, which allowed Stress describe and analyze the effect of the same period in 2012. the instrument used "Demand Control Questionnaire Social -Support of Karasek and Theorell" is quantitative application within the Likert scale which ensures the validity and reliability of results. To analyze the sample population and administrative staff for the period 2012 was considered; the sample is representative for the purpose of this study. Analysis of statistical results could set the number of cases and the differences between epidemiological and occupational factors. This first study SHDUG will become the starting point for future research, intervention and monitoring projects; that benefits the entire staff that make up the University Hospital.
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