Influencia del clima laboral de la empresa Broadnet S.A. en la productividad de sus empleados
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El presente estudio se da en la Compañía Broadnet S.A. de la ciudad de Guayaquil, constituyéndose desde el año 2004 en el grupo de mayor crecimiento y solvencia como procesador de transacciones electrónicas, habiendo desarrollado una gama de servicios de valor agregado y de apoyo a la gestión del pequeño comerciante; actualmente cuenta con 70 empleados de los cuales 20 están en la Ciudad de Quito y los 50 restantes en la matriz ubicada en 9 de octubre y Malecón, edificio la Previsora, piso 27 de la ciudad de Guayaquil.
La investigación se inició con un diagnóstico situacional del clima laboral de la empresa Broadnet S.A., para identificar las causas que afectan su ambiente laboral, dentro de la investigación cuantitativa se analizaron los factores que determinan en el recurso humano, el desempeño de su trabajo con calidad y calidez, así como, la relación que guarda la motivación laboral del ambiente de trabajo de la organización con su producción y productividad y la satisfacción de sus colaboradores; explorando en sus mano de obra todas sus aspiraciones, ambiciones, necesidades, capacidad de adaptación o descontentos dentro de sus actividades diarias de sus puestos de trabajo, logrando identificar puntos importantes que sirven de pilares para el desarrollo de estrategias futuras que contempla planes de acciones, demostrados con la utilización de un estudio Correlacional, de la Influencia de los Factores de Clima Laboral en el Desempeño de los Trabajadores.
Entre las estrategias que se elaboraran acorde a los resultados de la investigación, se incentivará a los Ejecutivos de Ventas en el aumento de su producción manifestando su calidad y calidez con nuestros clientes, mediante la aplicación de cursos sobre ventas, seminarios de técnicas de ventas, otra estrategia administrativa será proporcionarles un incremento en sus comisiones, con lo cual, se invitará a mejorar su desempeño efectivo, eficaz y eficiente, con el único objetivo, de mejorar la calidad de los servicios, preocuparse y anticiparse en las necesidades de nuestros clientes internos y externos, ayudando de esa manera con el desarrollo organizacional y económico de la empresa Broadnet, conjuntamente con el crecimiento de sus empleados desde el punto de vista personal y profesional.
The present study is given in Broadnet Company S.A. of the city of Guayaquil, becoming since 2004 in the fastest growing group solvency and electronic transaction processor, having developed a range of value-added services and management support the small merchant; currently has 70 employees of which 20 are in the city of Quito and the remaining 50 in the matrix in October 9 and Malecón, the Foresighted building, floor 27 of the city of Guayaquil. The investigation began with a situational analysis of the labor climate of the company Broadnet SA, to identify the causes that affect their work environment, within quantitative research the factors that determine human resources were analyzed, the performance of their work quality and warmth, as well as the relationship of work motivation of the work environment of the organization with production and productivity and satisfaction of its employees; exploring in his labor all his aspirations, ambitions, needs, adaptability or unhappy in their daily their jobs activities, achieving identify important points that serve as pillars for the development of future strategies that includes action plans, demonstrated with the use of a correlational study of the influence of factors Workclimate on worker performance. Among the strategies to be developed according to the results of the investigation, the Executives will be encouraged in increasing its production expressing quality and warmth with our customers through the implementation of courses on sales, seminars sales techniques, other administrative strategy will provide an increase in their commissions, which will be invited to enhance its effective, effective and efficient performance, with the sole aim of improving the quality of services, worry and anticipate the needs of our internal customers and external, thereby helping to organizational and economic development of the company Broadnet, together with the growth of its employees from the point of personal and professional view.
The present study is given in Broadnet Company S.A. of the city of Guayaquil, becoming since 2004 in the fastest growing group solvency and electronic transaction processor, having developed a range of value-added services and management support the small merchant; currently has 70 employees of which 20 are in the city of Quito and the remaining 50 in the matrix in October 9 and Malecón, the Foresighted building, floor 27 of the city of Guayaquil. The investigation began with a situational analysis of the labor climate of the company Broadnet SA, to identify the causes that affect their work environment, within quantitative research the factors that determine human resources were analyzed, the performance of their work quality and warmth, as well as the relationship of work motivation of the work environment of the organization with production and productivity and satisfaction of its employees; exploring in his labor all his aspirations, ambitions, needs, adaptability or unhappy in their daily their jobs activities, achieving identify important points that serve as pillars for the development of future strategies that includes action plans, demonstrated with the use of a correlational study of the influence of factors Workclimate on worker performance. Among the strategies to be developed according to the results of the investigation, the Executives will be encouraged in increasing its production expressing quality and warmth with our customers through the implementation of courses on sales, seminars sales techniques, other administrative strategy will provide an increase in their commissions, which will be invited to enhance its effective, effective and efficient performance, with the sole aim of improving the quality of services, worry and anticipate the needs of our internal customers and external, thereby helping to organizational and economic development of the company Broadnet, together with the growth of its employees from the point of personal and professional view.
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