Consecuencias de la fatiga que presentan los trabajadores del Área de Bodega de la CÍA. ECUAFARMACIAS Y ASOCIADAS S.A., de la ciudad de Guayaquil,2012
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Psicológicas
La fatiga es un aspecto que se encuentra presente en cualquier situación de trabajo. Sin embargo, cuando ésta es excesiva o no se presenta un nivel adecuado de descanso que permita controlarla, pueden originarse algunas situaciones que podrían afectar el bienestar de los trabajadores, como es el caso de la ocurrencia del ausentismo, cansancio, agotamiento, accidentes e incidentes laborales. Esta investigación tiene como objetivos identificar síntomas y patologías asociadas a las causa de la fatiga en los trabajadores, y describir el nivel de la misma; que como lo indica el capitulo 1.5, los desajuste ergonómicos dan como resultado que pueden producir un “ajuste deficiente” con las necesidades y capacidades de los trabajadores, el resultado es la fatiga generalizada, fatiga sensorial y frustración del rendimiento, por lo cual se aplico el Cuestionario de Síntomas Subjetivos de Yoshitake, para medir el nivel en el que se encuentra la muestra estudiada, la misma que analiza Síntomas generales de la fatiga, fatiga mental y fatiga física, con el propósito de poder aportar con los futuros proyectos que están por realizarse en la compañía.
Fatigue is one aspect that is present in any work situation. However, when it is excessive or not an adequate level of rest that allows control occurs, may arise some situations that could affect the welfare of workers, such as the occurrence of absenteeism, fatigue, exhaustion, accidents and incidents labor. This research aims to identify symptoms and pathologies associated with the cause of fatigue in workers, and describe the level thereof; which as indicated in Chapter 1.5, ergonomic mismatch result that can produce a "poor fit" with the needs and capabilities of workers, the result is generalized fatigue, sensory fatigue and frustration performance, which was applied Questionnaire of Subjective Symptoms of Yoshitake, to measure the level at which the sample is the same that analyzes general symptoms of fatigue, mental fatigue and physical fatigue, in order to be able to contribute to future projects that are held in the company.
Fatigue is one aspect that is present in any work situation. However, when it is excessive or not an adequate level of rest that allows control occurs, may arise some situations that could affect the welfare of workers, such as the occurrence of absenteeism, fatigue, exhaustion, accidents and incidents labor. This research aims to identify symptoms and pathologies associated with the cause of fatigue in workers, and describe the level thereof; which as indicated in Chapter 1.5, ergonomic mismatch result that can produce a "poor fit" with the needs and capabilities of workers, the result is generalized fatigue, sensory fatigue and frustration performance, which was applied Questionnaire of Subjective Symptoms of Yoshitake, to measure the level at which the sample is the same that analyzes general symptoms of fatigue, mental fatigue and physical fatigue, in order to be able to contribute to future projects that are held in the company.
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