“Estudio del Síndrome de Burnout en Auxiliares de Enfermería de la Sala Santa María del Hospital Luis Vernaza de la Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil”
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Las Organizaciones han tenido desde ya hace algunos años una gran influencia en la conducta del ser humano, siendo así que la misma es la responsable de mantener a su colaboradores en un ambiente óptimo de trabajo, no solo considerando su estructura formal, en donde se desenvuelve el individuo, sino también considerando los intereses personales e intereses formados para con la empresa.
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo realizar un análisis sobre la presencia del Síndrome de Burnout en los auxiliares de enfermería del Hospital Luis Vernaza de la Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil. El mismo tiene la intención de dar respuesta a la problemática que se ha observado en una marcada deficiencia en el desempeño de los empleados. Así como también en la continua rotación de personal, ausentismo y carencia de incentivos que estimulen y motiven al personal hacia el logro de sus funciones con altos niveles de calidad.
El Síndrome de Burnout, puede llegar a perjudicar tanto al empleado como al negocio o servicio que ofrece la empresa; es por esto que se debe de intentar evitar la aparición de algunos síntomas que van relacionados a la aparición del Síndrome de Burnout, sin embargo cuando algunos de estos síntomas vayan apareciendo hay que afrontarlos con medidas estrategias de prevención.
Los malestares constantes que se han presentado en el personal de enfermería son: fatiga, agotamiento, escepticismo e ineficacia. Teniendo origen principalmente en los siguientes factores: la gran cantidad de pacientes que tienen a su cargo, la falta de herramientas, el ambiente o clima laboral (condiciones internas o externas) donde desarrollan sus actividades y quizás también por la remuneración económica inadecuada.
El Síndrome de Burnout produce consecuencias negativas, principalmente para el personal de enfermería del Hospital Luis Vernaza, por lo cual hay que resaltar que se ha trabajado muy poco con los problemas emocionales y sobre todo laborales que afectan directamente al grupo humano.
Organizations have had since a few years ago a great influence on the behavior of human beings, and being that it is responsible for keeping their employees in an optimal working environment, not only considering its formal structure, where it operates the individual but also considering personal interests and interests formed to the company. This research aims to make an analysis on the presence of Burnout Syndrome among nursing assistants Luis Vernaza Hospital Guayaquil Welfare Board. It intends to respond to the problem that has been observed in a marked deficiency in the performance of employees. As well as the continuous turnover, absenteeism and lack of incentives to encourage and motivate staff towards achieving its functions with high levels of quality. Burnout Syndrome, can actually damage both the employee and the business or service offered by the company; It is why we should try to avoid the appearance of some symptoms that are related to the occurrence of burnout syndrome, however, when some of these symptoms are appearing must face them with measures prevention strategies. The constant discomforts that have occurred in nurses are: fatigue, exhaustion, skepticism and inefficiency. Taking origin mainly in the following factors: the large number of patients who are in charge, lack of tools, environment or working environment (internal or external conditions) where they develop their activities and perhaps also by inadequate financial remuneration. Burnout Syndrome produces negative consequences, primarily for nursing staff Vernaza Luis Hospital, so it should be noted that very little has worked with emotional problems and especially labor that directly affect the human group.
Organizations have had since a few years ago a great influence on the behavior of human beings, and being that it is responsible for keeping their employees in an optimal working environment, not only considering its formal structure, where it operates the individual but also considering personal interests and interests formed to the company. This research aims to make an analysis on the presence of Burnout Syndrome among nursing assistants Luis Vernaza Hospital Guayaquil Welfare Board. It intends to respond to the problem that has been observed in a marked deficiency in the performance of employees. As well as the continuous turnover, absenteeism and lack of incentives to encourage and motivate staff towards achieving its functions with high levels of quality. Burnout Syndrome, can actually damage both the employee and the business or service offered by the company; It is why we should try to avoid the appearance of some symptoms that are related to the occurrence of burnout syndrome, however, when some of these symptoms are appearing must face them with measures prevention strategies. The constant discomforts that have occurred in nurses are: fatigue, exhaustion, skepticism and inefficiency. Taking origin mainly in the following factors: the large number of patients who are in charge, lack of tools, environment or working environment (internal or external conditions) where they develop their activities and perhaps also by inadequate financial remuneration. Burnout Syndrome produces negative consequences, primarily for nursing staff Vernaza Luis Hospital, so it should be noted that very little has worked with emotional problems and especially labor that directly affect the human group.
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