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El presente trabajo es mixto cuanti-cualititativo con un diseño no experimental bajo un
alcance correlacional descriptivo que se realizó en la M.I Municipalidad de Guayaquil
donde se efectuó un estudio de la relación existente entre las competencias socialesy
el desempeño laboral.
La Muestra de estudio estuvo conformada por 25 servidores municipales de la
Dirección de Recursos Humanos,para la recolección de los datos se utilizó como
instrumento un cuestionario denominado escala de Likert de 4 puntos, un primer
cuestionario contiene preguntas sobre competencias sociales y otra está basado en el
desempeño laboral.
Se aplicóademás una entrevista abierta dirigida a los jefes de cada uno de los
departamentos de RRHH y se aplicótambién una técnica denominada grupo focal el
cual consistió en conformar grupos de 5 y 6 personas en 2 sesiones, de este modo se
integró los datos en una análisis final en base a los resultados de todos las
herramientas empleadas.
El procesamiento y análisis de los datos en base a las escala de Likert, seusó métodos
estadísticos llamado coeficiente de correlación de Pesaron, el 16 pf contribuyo aser
trabajo en base a los promedios que presenta cada una de las variable involucradas
El análisis de la entrevista y grupo focal se efectúa en base a le análisis de contendió
de los datos encontrados
Los resultados demostrados confirmaron la hipótesis planteada ya que a partir de la
correlación final de 0,79 de tipo alta se evidencia que existe incidencia significativa
entre las competencias sociales y el desempeño laboral.
Sin embargo se determinó que la institución debe trabajar en desarrollar las
competencias sociales para un mejor desempeño de los funcionarios y desarrollo del
sistema social de la institución.
This paper is mixed quantitative-cualititativo with a non-experimental design under a descriptive correlational scope held in the Municipality of Guayaquil M.I where a study of the relationship between the powers was made socialesy job performance. The study sample consisted of 25 municipal servers Human Resources, for the collection of data was used as instrument called a questionnaire Likert scale 4 points, a first questionnaire contains questions on social skills and another is based on the job performance. a directed interview aplicóademás open the heads of each of the HR departments and a technique called focus group aplicótambién the which was to form groups of 5 and 6 in 2 sessions, in this way integrated the data into a final analysis based on the results of all tools used. Processing and analysis of data based on the Likert scale, seusó methods called statistical correlation coefficient weighed 16 pf contributed Asher work based on the averages presented each of the variables involved The analysis of the interview and focus group analysis will be made on the basis contendió data found The proven results confirmed the hypothesis as from the 0,79 end correlation of high rate is evidence that there is significant impact between social skills and job performance. However it was determined that the institution should work on developing social skills for better staff performance and development social system of the institution
This paper is mixed quantitative-cualititativo with a non-experimental design under a descriptive correlational scope held in the Municipality of Guayaquil M.I where a study of the relationship between the powers was made socialesy job performance. The study sample consisted of 25 municipal servers Human Resources, for the collection of data was used as instrument called a questionnaire Likert scale 4 points, a first questionnaire contains questions on social skills and another is based on the job performance. a directed interview aplicóademás open the heads of each of the HR departments and a technique called focus group aplicótambién the which was to form groups of 5 and 6 in 2 sessions, in this way integrated the data into a final analysis based on the results of all tools used. Processing and analysis of data based on the Likert scale, seusó methods called statistical correlation coefficient weighed 16 pf contributed Asher work based on the averages presented each of the variables involved The analysis of the interview and focus group analysis will be made on the basis contendió data found The proven results confirmed the hypothesis as from the 0,79 end correlation of high rate is evidence that there is significant impact between social skills and job performance. However it was determined that the institution should work on developing social skills for better staff performance and development social system of the institution
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