Diseño de un modelo de enseñanza a través de aulas virtuales para la carrera de ingeniería en sistemas administrativos computarizados de la facultad de ciencias administrativas en la universidad de Guayaquil
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El tema de investigación propuesto se lleva a cabo en la carrera de Ingeniería en sistemas administrativos computarizados. La comunicación entre alumno-profesor se establece únicamente en el aula de clases, el material de estudio y temas de análisis son proporcionados por el docente y no se incentiva la investigación en los estudiantes generando poco interés por auto descubrir otros fundamentos acerca de los temas de estudio en clases provocando su falta de rendimiento investigativo en el educando. Tomando en consideración estas características y novedades nuestra tesis sugiere la implementación de un Aula virtual que ofrecerá a los estudiantes un refuerzo a su enseñanza al que pueden acceder incluso fuera de horarios de clases, ayudando a fortalecer su desarrollo académico, mejorar sus hábitos de estudio, aprender las herramientas que ofrece la tecnología y la internet. Para confirmar esta hipótesis se realizaron encuestas y pruebas de factibilidad tanto a los estudiantes como los docentes. En la encuestas de campo que se realizó a los estudiantes de la carrera de Ingeniería en Sistemas Administrativos Computarizados se pudo confirmar su interés en conocer y utilizar un aula virtual como refuerzo a sus estudios universitarios pero que en la actualidad desconocen su contenido y funcionamiento sin embargo han escuchado de estas herramientas ya implementadas en otras universidades siendo novedoso para su formación pedagógica. Las encuestas efectuadas a los docentes de la carrera de I.S.A.C. proyectaron a través del análisis de datos, que el 20% de los docentes conoce, ha escuchado o trabajado en plataformas de aulas virtuales para refuerzo de sus materias y que entre la más utilizada fue "MOODLE". Teniendo como fundamento la información extraída de las encuestas se llegó a la conclusión de que el aula virtual propuesta para la carrera de I.S.A.C. puede ser realizada y puesta a disposición de todos los estudiantes dando la oportunidad de acceder, conocer, interactuar con los tutores, participar en actividades de clases a través de esta herramienta. Pudiendo concluir que la implementación reforzará, motivará su interés investigativo y auto educativo sobre las materias de su rol educativo, sugiriendo que los docentes utilicen la plataforma como refuerzo a su material educativo y aprovechen esta herramienta que facilitara la comunicación con los estudiantes.
The theme proposed research is conducted in Engineering in computer management systems. Communication between student-teacher is established only in the classroom, the study material and discussion topics are provided by the teacher and not the research is encouraged in students generated little interest in auto discover other basics about issues study classes causing their lack of investigative learner performance. Taking into account these features and innovations our thesis suggests the implementation of a virtual classroom to offer students a boost to his teaching which is accessible even outside class schedules, helping to strengthen their academic development, improve their study habits, learn the tools offered by technology and the internet. To confirm this hypothesis surveys and feasibility tests were performed both students and teachers. In the field surveys that students of the Engineering in Computerised Management Systems was held could be confirmed their interest in learning and use a virtual classroom as reinforcement to college but currently unaware of their content and functioning yet they have heard of these tools already implemented at other universities being new to their teacher training. The surveys teachers career I.S.A.C. projected through data analysis, 20% of teachers know, you've heard or worked in virtual classrooms platforms for strengthening their subjects and among the most used was "MOODLE". Taking as a basis the information from the surveys concluded that the proposed virtual classroom for career I.S.A.C. It can be performed and made available to all students taking the opportunity to access, learn, interact with tutors, participate in classroom activities through this tool. It can be concluded that the implementation will strengthen, encourage their research and educational self interest on the subjects of their educational role, suggesting that teachers use the platform to reinforce its educational materials and take advantage of this tool to facilitate communication with students.
The theme proposed research is conducted in Engineering in computer management systems. Communication between student-teacher is established only in the classroom, the study material and discussion topics are provided by the teacher and not the research is encouraged in students generated little interest in auto discover other basics about issues study classes causing their lack of investigative learner performance. Taking into account these features and innovations our thesis suggests the implementation of a virtual classroom to offer students a boost to his teaching which is accessible even outside class schedules, helping to strengthen their academic development, improve their study habits, learn the tools offered by technology and the internet. To confirm this hypothesis surveys and feasibility tests were performed both students and teachers. In the field surveys that students of the Engineering in Computerised Management Systems was held could be confirmed their interest in learning and use a virtual classroom as reinforcement to college but currently unaware of their content and functioning yet they have heard of these tools already implemented at other universities being new to their teacher training. The surveys teachers career I.S.A.C. projected through data analysis, 20% of teachers know, you've heard or worked in virtual classrooms platforms for strengthening their subjects and among the most used was "MOODLE". Taking as a basis the information from the surveys concluded that the proposed virtual classroom for career I.S.A.C. It can be performed and made available to all students taking the opportunity to access, learn, interact with tutors, participate in classroom activities through this tool. It can be concluded that the implementation will strengthen, encourage their research and educational self interest on the subjects of their educational role, suggesting that teachers use the platform to reinforce its educational materials and take advantage of this tool to facilitate communication with students.
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