Complicaciones postquirúrgicas e incidencia de apendicitis aguda experiencia en el Hospital Regional Dr. Teodoro Maldonado Carbo en el período 2013
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Mèdicas. Escuela de Medicina
La presente investigación analiza los problemas post quirúrgicos de la apendicetomía,
valorando su importancia por su afectación a la población de cualquier edad, y que
además conlleva riesgos serios en salud cuando las medidas pertinentes no se toman con
la adecuada prontitud. La investigación plantea el estudio de las complicaciones post
operatorias de la apendicetomía, analizando detenidamente cada una de ellas y además
analizando la incidencia que tiene en un hospital regional de tercer nivel.
En el desarrollo de la investigación y de la articulación de la teoría, se argumenta tanto
en las definiciones de los tipos de apendicitis, las formas de atención y de diagnóstico,
como también los principales problemas post operatorios, entre las que destacan las
infecciones de herida, de pared, e intracavitarias. Gracias a la información obtenida por
el Hospital Dr. Teodoro Maldonado Carbo, con la información estadística, se puede
evidenciar de manera técnicas y probabilística la verdadera incidencia de los problemas
post operatorios en estas intervenciones quirúrgicas; por lo que para ello se hace
diferente relaciones de variables como también se valora si es significativo la presencia
de estos problemas después de la operación. Las conclusiones y recomendaciones están
en función de las evidencias encontradas y sobre la base de los análisis planteados.
The following research analyzes the post surgical issues of appendectomy, assessing its importance due to it affecting the population of any age, and which also carries serious health risks when the necessary measures are not taken into account with adequate readiness. The reasearch establishes the study of the post surgical complications of appendectomy, analyzing in dettain each one of them and besides analyzin the incidence it has in a third level regional hospital. The development of the research and articulation of the theory, is argued so much as in definitions of the types of appendicitis, the means of attention and diagnosis, as also the main post surgical problems, among which highlight surgical wound, abdominal wall, and deep organ infections. Thanks to the information obtained by the Hospital Dr. Teodoro Maldonado Carbo, with the statistical information, we can put in evidence in a technical and probabilistic way the true incidence of post surgical problems in these surgical interventions; so for it I make different variable relations as also asses if these problems are of significance. The conclusions and recommendations are in function of the evidence found and upon the base of set analyses.
The following research analyzes the post surgical issues of appendectomy, assessing its importance due to it affecting the population of any age, and which also carries serious health risks when the necessary measures are not taken into account with adequate readiness. The reasearch establishes the study of the post surgical complications of appendectomy, analyzing in dettain each one of them and besides analyzin the incidence it has in a third level regional hospital. The development of the research and articulation of the theory, is argued so much as in definitions of the types of appendicitis, the means of attention and diagnosis, as also the main post surgical problems, among which highlight surgical wound, abdominal wall, and deep organ infections. Thanks to the information obtained by the Hospital Dr. Teodoro Maldonado Carbo, with the statistical information, we can put in evidence in a technical and probabilistic way the true incidence of post surgical problems in these surgical interventions; so for it I make different variable relations as also asses if these problems are of significance. The conclusions and recommendations are in function of the evidence found and upon the base of set analyses.
Palabras clave
Apendidicitis aguda, Complicaciones posoperatorias, Incidencia, Hospital de Especialidades Dr. Teodoro Maldonado Carbo, Cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador