Propuesta de creación y lanzamiento de la marca de calzado Johis, dirigido al público femenino en edades comprendidas entre 15-29 años de edad, en la ciudad de Guayaquil
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas
En la actualidad el Sector Industrial de Calzado cuenta con entidades que aportan para el crecimiento del mismo, informando a la comunidad empresarial el ingreso de la producción del Calzado en los grupos prioritarios dentro del desarrollo del Producto Interno Bruto (PIB). Muchas de ellas han confiado en este sector, tanto así que es una de las que genera mayor tasa de empleo directa, debido a su imparable crecimiento gracias a las medidas de salvaguardias impuestas por el gobierno nacional. Analizando las debilidades en el sector de calzado del Ecuador nos enfocamos a una propuesta idónea para fortalecer la producción nacional, ya que el país cuenta con mano de obra de excelente calidad y un déficit en la
comercialización e imagen del producto, mientras que la expectativa del consumidor es de un calzado de calidad con marca reconocida éste visita puntos de venta para adquirir el producto por gusto y vanidad que se rigen en las tendencias actuales del mercado. Basándonos sobre esta primicia nuestra propuesta es la creación y lanzamiento de una marca ecuatoriana dirigida al segmento femenino de 15 a 29 años quienes son los más vulnerables a la compra impulsiva y cambios intempestivos de moda, desarrollamos la marca JOHIS bajo los parámetros de conceptos básicos como calidad, confianza, diferenciación y credibilidad, sin descuidar los procesos legales para el buen uso de la misma. Desarrollamos la marca JOHIS por análisis de nuestro mercado meta, con especificaciones de una tipografía atractiva y cromatismos acorde al segmento como lo son el cyan (turquesa) que expresa frescura, equilibrio, juventud y magenta (fucsia) que es símbolo de feminidad. Posicionando la misma bajo un desarrollo de activación de marca que conlleva a actividades
BTL, Promoción en el punto de venta, relaciones públicas, y desarrollo de página web que es uno de los mecanismos más utilizados por el público juvenil de diferentes extractos sociales.
Today the industrial footwear sector has entities that contribute to its own growth, informing the business community the entering of the footwear production in the target groups in the development of Gross Domestic Product (G D P). Many of them relied on this sector, so much that it is one of the principal generations of direct employment rates, because of its unstoppable growth thanks to the safeguards measures imposed by the national government. Analyzing the weaknesses in the footwear sector in Ecuador we focus on a suitable proposal to strengthen domestic production, since the country has excellent workmanship quality and a deficit in marketing and product image, while the expectation of consumer the quality of recognized footwear brand they visit outlets to purchase the product just for plain vanity that governs the current market trends. Based on this premise our proposal is the creation and launch of an Ecuadorian brand addressed to female segment of 15 to 29 years who are most vulnerable to impulse buy and last time change of fashion, the brand we developed the brand JOHIS under basic parameters of quality, reliability, differentiation and credibility, without neglecting the legal processes for the proper use of it JOHIS was developed though analysis of our target market with, specification of an attractive typography and chromatics according to the segment such as the cyan (turquoise) expressing freshness balance youth and magenta (fuchsia) which is a symbol of femininity. Placing it under a development of brand activation leading to BTL activities, promotion at sale point public relations, and website development is one of the mechanisms used by mainly youth from different social backgrounds.
Today the industrial footwear sector has entities that contribute to its own growth, informing the business community the entering of the footwear production in the target groups in the development of Gross Domestic Product (G D P). Many of them relied on this sector, so much that it is one of the principal generations of direct employment rates, because of its unstoppable growth thanks to the safeguards measures imposed by the national government. Analyzing the weaknesses in the footwear sector in Ecuador we focus on a suitable proposal to strengthen domestic production, since the country has excellent workmanship quality and a deficit in marketing and product image, while the expectation of consumer the quality of recognized footwear brand they visit outlets to purchase the product just for plain vanity that governs the current market trends. Based on this premise our proposal is the creation and launch of an Ecuadorian brand addressed to female segment of 15 to 29 years who are most vulnerable to impulse buy and last time change of fashion, the brand we developed the brand JOHIS under basic parameters of quality, reliability, differentiation and credibility, without neglecting the legal processes for the proper use of it JOHIS was developed though analysis of our target market with, specification of an attractive typography and chromatics according to the segment such as the cyan (turquoise) expressing freshness balance youth and magenta (fuchsia) which is a symbol of femininity. Placing it under a development of brand activation leading to BTL activities, promotion at sale point public relations, and website development is one of the mechanisms used by mainly youth from different social backgrounds.
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