Hábitos alimenticios del Tiburón Cocodrilo (Pseudocarcharias kamoharai) desembarcados en el Puerto Pesquero Santa Rosa, Salinas, Provincia de Santa Elena.
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Durante el periodo de Junio 2012 a Mayo del 2013 se realizó el estudio acerca de los hábitos alimenticios del tiburón cocodrilo Pseudocarcharias kamoharai en el puerto pesquero Santa Rosa – Salinas, ubicado en la Península de Santa Elena.
Se obtuvo información de 146 tiburones con la finalidad de conocer las especies presas que componen su dieta alimenticia de acuerdo al estado de digestión de las presas, cantidad e importancia de cada una de ellas por medio del Índice de Importancia Relativa (IIR).
Se contabilizaron un total de 12 presas, correspondiendo a 52 estómagos con contenido estomacal. Las presas se organizaron en dos grupos taxonómicos: Cefalópodos; comprendidos en (6) familias con 7 especies, y, Osteichthyes de (2) familias con 3 especies. Representando una diversidad moderada de acuerdo al índice de Shannon - Weaver y la equidad de Pielou (H’= 1,7; E=0,2).
De acuerdo a los análisis cuantitativos, se conoce que la dieta de P. kamoharai se constituye básicamente de las especies A. lessuerii (%IIR= 58,8), Histioteuthis sp., (%IIR= 28,2) y S. oualaniensis (%IIR= 5,9).
Aplicando el Índice de Morisita - Horn según %N, %IIR, %FO, y %P; entre machos y hembras se obtuvo valores superior a 0.6, lo que indica que no existe diferencia en la alimentación; entre las épocas seca y húmeda existe un traslapo significativo (0,94 - 0,93) indicando que hay similitud en los elementos de la dieta de P. kamoharai.
La amplitud de la dieta, determinada con el Índice de Levin es baja (Bi: 0.22), lo que indica que P. kamoharai se considera depredador especialistas por usar presas específicas para su consumo.
Salinas is located in the Peninsula of Santa Elena - During the period of June 2012 to May 2013 study on the eating habits of the crocodile shark Pseudocarcharias kamoharai fishing port in Santa Rosa was performed. 146 sharks information was obtained in order to know the prey species in their diet according to the state of digestion of prey number and importance of each by the Index of Relative Importance (IIR). A total of 12 reservoirs, corresponding to 52 stomachs with stomach contents were counted. Dams were organized into two taxonomic groups: cephalopods; included in (6) families with 7 species, and of Osteichthyes (2) families with 3 species. Representing a moderate diversity according to the Shannon -Weaver index and equity Pielou (H '= 1.7, E= 0.2). According to quantitative analysis, it is known that dietary basically constitutes P. kamoharai species A. lessuerii (IIR= 58.8%), Histioteuthis sp (IIR= 28.2%) and S. oualaniensis (IIR= 5.9%) Applying the Morisita - Horn index as %N, %IIR, %FO, and % P; between male and female values greater than 0.6 was obtained, which indicates that there is no difference in power. Between the wet and dry seasons there is a significant overlap (0.94 to 0.93) indicating that there are similarities in the elements of the diet of P. kamoharai. The diet breadth, determined with the Levin index is low (Bi= 0.22), indicating that P. kamoharai is considered by specialists use specific predator prey for consumption.
Salinas is located in the Peninsula of Santa Elena - During the period of June 2012 to May 2013 study on the eating habits of the crocodile shark Pseudocarcharias kamoharai fishing port in Santa Rosa was performed. 146 sharks information was obtained in order to know the prey species in their diet according to the state of digestion of prey number and importance of each by the Index of Relative Importance (IIR). A total of 12 reservoirs, corresponding to 52 stomachs with stomach contents were counted. Dams were organized into two taxonomic groups: cephalopods; included in (6) families with 7 species, and of Osteichthyes (2) families with 3 species. Representing a moderate diversity according to the Shannon -Weaver index and equity Pielou (H '= 1.7, E= 0.2). According to quantitative analysis, it is known that dietary basically constitutes P. kamoharai species A. lessuerii (IIR= 58.8%), Histioteuthis sp (IIR= 28.2%) and S. oualaniensis (IIR= 5.9%) Applying the Morisita - Horn index as %N, %IIR, %FO, and % P; between male and female values greater than 0.6 was obtained, which indicates that there is no difference in power. Between the wet and dry seasons there is a significant overlap (0.94 to 0.93) indicating that there are similarities in the elements of the diet of P. kamoharai. The diet breadth, determined with the Levin index is low (Bi= 0.22), indicating that P. kamoharai is considered by specialists use specific predator prey for consumption.