Diagnóstico sobre la comercialización del maíz amarillo
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Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación
El maíz amarillo, es un grano nativo de América, no se conoce con exactitud su lugar de
origen pero existen evidencias que los ubican en México, es una planta íntegramente
domesticada que ha vivido y evolucionado simultáneamente con los cuidados del
hombre, es uno de los granos alimenticios más antiguos, y de los cuales se lo ha
sometido a múltiples transformaciones debido a las bondades y sus variados usos ya
sean alimenticios, farmacéuticos, o industrial.
La comercialización de maíz amarillo en el cantón Balzar provincia del guayas se viene
efectuando desde años atrás como una de las principales fuentes de ingresos para los
agricultores del cantón, en donde el 60% de la población agrícola corresponde a
pequeños agricultores maiceros, con una extensión promedio sembrada 18.670.00 Has
por ciclo invernal; esta comercialización depende en más de un 90% de la
intermediación, ya que son los comerciantes intermediarios los que poseen las
infraestructura, y el capital económico para realizar la compra, estos, adquieren el grano
sin considerar las normas establecidas por el MAGAP pagando precios irrisorios por el
producto.Otro aspecto que perjudica esta actividad es la poca infraestructura vial, los
caminos de acceso no están en buenas condiciones impidiendo la movilización del
grano, lo que afecta a los productores al momento de sacar su producción para ser
comercializado; por otra parte las grandes empresas colapsan por no tener la capacidad
de almacenaje, provocando la disminución del precio de la gramínea, lo que es
aprovechado por los intermediarios quienes intervienen desde el inicio de la cosecha.
Es por ello, que la presente investigación realizada, surge la necesidad de realizar un
Diagnóstico Sobre La Comercialización De Maíz Amarillo con Propuesta: Elaboración
Del Diagnóstico En La Comercialización Del Maíz Amarillo De Los Pequeños
Productores Del Cantón Balzar en donde se expone todas las apremiantes situaciones
de los pequeños maiceros del cantón, este diagnóstico tiene como finalidad mejorar la
situación socio-económica de los pequeños agricultores dedicados a esta actividad
Yellow corn, this is a grain native to America, it is not known exactly its place of origin but there is evidence that the located in Mexico, is a fully domesticated plant that has lived and evolved simultaneously with the care of the man, is one of the oldest food grains, and of which it has been subjected to multiple transformations due to the kindness and its varied uses whether food, pharmaceutical, or industrial. The marketing of yellow corn in the canton of the Guayas province Balzar been conducted years ago as one of the main sources of income for the farmers of the canton, Where the 60% of the agricultural population corresponds to small farmers corn, with an average size You've sown 18670.00 per cycle Winter; This is a marketing depends on more than 90 per cent of the intermediation, since they are the middleman traders which possess the infrastructure, And the economic capital to purchase, these, acquire the grain without considering the rules laid down by the MAGAP paying ridiculous price for the product.Another aspect that hurts this activity is the little road infrastructure, the access roads are not in good condition, preventing the mobilization of the grain, what affects the producers at the time of its release to be marketed production; on the other hand the large companies collapse by not having the storage capacity, causing a decrease in the price of the grass, which is exploited by brokers who are involved from the beginning of the harvest. It is for this reason, that the present investigation, the need arises to make a diagnosis on the marketing of maize yellow with Proposal: Preparation of the Diagnostic to the marketing of maize yellow of Small Producers of the Canton Balzar where it is exposed all the pressing situations of small corn of the canton, this diagnosis aims to improve the socio-economic situation of small farmers dedicated to this activity
Yellow corn, this is a grain native to America, it is not known exactly its place of origin but there is evidence that the located in Mexico, is a fully domesticated plant that has lived and evolved simultaneously with the care of the man, is one of the oldest food grains, and of which it has been subjected to multiple transformations due to the kindness and its varied uses whether food, pharmaceutical, or industrial. The marketing of yellow corn in the canton of the Guayas province Balzar been conducted years ago as one of the main sources of income for the farmers of the canton, Where the 60% of the agricultural population corresponds to small farmers corn, with an average size You've sown 18670.00 per cycle Winter; This is a marketing depends on more than 90 per cent of the intermediation, since they are the middleman traders which possess the infrastructure, And the economic capital to purchase, these, acquire the grain without considering the rules laid down by the MAGAP paying ridiculous price for the product.Another aspect that hurts this activity is the little road infrastructure, the access roads are not in good condition, preventing the mobilization of the grain, what affects the producers at the time of its release to be marketed production; on the other hand the large companies collapse by not having the storage capacity, causing a decrease in the price of the grass, which is exploited by brokers who are involved from the beginning of the harvest. It is for this reason, that the present investigation, the need arises to make a diagnosis on the marketing of maize yellow with Proposal: Preparation of the Diagnostic to the marketing of maize yellow of Small Producers of the Canton Balzar where it is exposed all the pressing situations of small corn of the canton, this diagnosis aims to improve the socio-economic situation of small farmers dedicated to this activity
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