El turismo como elemento fundamental de crecimiento y desarrollo socioeconómico de la parroquia rural Puerto el Morro del cantón Guayaquil
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Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación
El turismo se ha convertido en el mundo actual en una vía de desarrollo
en sus ámbitos económicos, social y cultural paras las ciudades que se
dedican a esta actividad, además que el turismo genera fuente de
empleo y propicia el cambio y el desarrollo del sector. El presente
proyecto trata del turismo como elemento fundamental del desarrollo
económico de la parroquia rural puerto el morro, el cual tiene como un eje
de cambio para los diversos sectores que están dedicado a este campo el
turismo es un campo donde intervienen muchos factores y actores los
cuales interactúan de una manera entrelazadas y que busca lograr el
desarrollo de la parroquia, el diseño de un plan de capacitación sobre las
técnicas de turismo por sectores es muy importante y relevante para los
habitantes de la parroquia el puerto morro ya, que en el mundo moderno
el turismo a llevado a ciudades al progreso, la aplicación del plan tiene
como base llegar a dotar de conocimientos de técnicas útiles para que
ellos puedan tener la más clara idea del sector que ellos tienen a su cargo
a mas de buscar la calidad en sus servicios para que los turistas puedan
sentirse complacidos con el trato que le dan los comuneros de la
parroquias que intervienen en el turismo, estos campos son nuevos y hay
que brindar la ayuda necesaria por parte de las entidades educativas para
que ejecuten y diseñen planes de capacitación que contribuyan al
bienestar y al cambio social y cultural para convertirse en punto de
destinos turísticos imperdible de las costas ecuatorianas para ser
reconocidas también a nivel internacional por su calidad en sus servicios
Tourism has become in today's world on a path of development in its economic, social and cultural fields for cities engaged. About this activity, tourism generates employment and source of advocating for change of the sector development. This thesis consists of tourism as a key element for growth and socioeconomic development of the rural parish El Morro port, which has as an axis of change for the various sectors that are involved in tourism , This is a field where many factors and actors which interact in a connected way that seeks to achieve the development of the parish , the design of a training program on the techniques of tourism by sector, is very important and relevant from the people of the El Morro port , which in the modern world tourism cities permit to progress and the implementation of the plan, which is based on reaching techniques provide useful knowledge for people to have clearer picture of the sector. They are responsible for more search quality by their services, so that tourists can feel comfortable with the treatment they give to the inhabitants of the community involved in tourism, these fields are new and need to provide the necessary support from educational institutions to design and implement plans training that contribute to the welfare, social and cultural change to become missed about tourist destinations in the Ecuadorian coast to be recognized internationally for its quality services
Tourism has become in today's world on a path of development in its economic, social and cultural fields for cities engaged. About this activity, tourism generates employment and source of advocating for change of the sector development. This thesis consists of tourism as a key element for growth and socioeconomic development of the rural parish El Morro port, which has as an axis of change for the various sectors that are involved in tourism , This is a field where many factors and actors which interact in a connected way that seeks to achieve the development of the parish , the design of a training program on the techniques of tourism by sector, is very important and relevant from the people of the El Morro port , which in the modern world tourism cities permit to progress and the implementation of the plan, which is based on reaching techniques provide useful knowledge for people to have clearer picture of the sector. They are responsible for more search quality by their services, so that tourists can feel comfortable with the treatment they give to the inhabitants of the community involved in tourism, these fields are new and need to provide the necessary support from educational institutions to design and implement plans training that contribute to the welfare, social and cultural change to become missed about tourist destinations in the Ecuadorian coast to be recognized internationally for its quality services
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