Indice de precios al consumidor como método estadístico para medir la inflación en el Ecuador
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
Un índice de precios, es una medida ponderada de los precios con la que se puede calcular la variación de los mismos con respecto a un año base para un momento determinado; realizado esto en base a los precios de un conjunto de productos denominados “cesta de productos”. Miden la relación entre el precio del año actual con respecto al precio del año base, además mide la variación de los precios de un conjunto de productos entre dos periodos de tiempo, donde el periodo base es el año 2004 y este indicador es calculado por el INEC.
En el Ecuador para realizar el cálculo del IPC se utiliza la fórmula de Laspeyres. El índice de Laspeyres que se utilizó en el IPCU con base fija fue sustituido por el nuevo IPC. EL IPC, considera 8 ciudades: 4 ciudades auto representadas: Quito, Cuenca, Guayaquil, y Machala; y, 4 ciudades corepresentadas Ambato, Loja, Esmeraldas y Manta. El nuevo IPC esta representa por 67.44% de la población urbana del país a la que se refiere la Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de los Hogares Urbanos de febrero 2003 – enero 2004 (ENIGHU 2003-2004).
Antes de la dolarización en el Ecuador experimentaba altos índices inflacionarios lo cual llevo a tener una tasa de inflación de dos dígitos hasta el 2000 llegando a 96.1%, esto se dio por uno de los efectos de la crisis de 1999. En el 2001, la economía ecuatoriana empieza a sentir una estabilidad económica siendo uno de los principales factores la reducción del incremento del nivel de los precios la cual llevó a una reducción a fin año a una tasa 37,7%, a partir de ahí sigue la tendencia a la baja ubicándose al finalizar el 2004 en una tasa del 2.7%, es decir, que la dolarización en estos tres años de haberse aplicado se pudo obtener una inflación de un digito.
A price index is a weighted average of the prices at which you can calculate the variation thereof relative to a base year for a particular time this is done based on the prices of a set of products called "shopping products. " Measure the relationship between the price of the current year compared with the price in the base year, and measures the change in prices of a set of products between two time periods, where the base period is the year 2004 and this indicator is calculated by the INEC. In Ecuador for CPI calculation uses the Laspeyres formula. The Laspeyres index that was used in the fixed-base IPCU was replaced by the new CPI. THE CPI considers 8 cities: 4 cities self represented: Quito, Cuenca, Guayaquil and Machala, and 4 cities corepresentadas Ambato, Loja, Esmeraldas and Manta. The new CPI this represents 67.44% of the urban population to respect the National Household Income and Expenditure of Urban Households in February 2003 - January 2004 (ENIGHU 2003-2004). Before dollarization in Ecuador experienced high inflation rates which have led to an inflation rate of double digits until 2000 reaching 96.1%, which was given by one of the effects of the 1999 crisis. In 2001, the Ecuadorian economy starts to feel economic stability is one of the main factors reducing the increase in the level of prices which led to a reduction to a rate year to 37.7%, from there follow downward trend reaching the end of 2004 at a rate of 2.7%, ie, that dollarization in these three years have been applied could get a single-digit inflation.
A price index is a weighted average of the prices at which you can calculate the variation thereof relative to a base year for a particular time this is done based on the prices of a set of products called "shopping products. " Measure the relationship between the price of the current year compared with the price in the base year, and measures the change in prices of a set of products between two time periods, where the base period is the year 2004 and this indicator is calculated by the INEC. In Ecuador for CPI calculation uses the Laspeyres formula. The Laspeyres index that was used in the fixed-base IPCU was replaced by the new CPI. THE CPI considers 8 cities: 4 cities self represented: Quito, Cuenca, Guayaquil and Machala, and 4 cities corepresentadas Ambato, Loja, Esmeraldas and Manta. The new CPI this represents 67.44% of the urban population to respect the National Household Income and Expenditure of Urban Households in February 2003 - January 2004 (ENIGHU 2003-2004). Before dollarization in Ecuador experienced high inflation rates which have led to an inflation rate of double digits until 2000 reaching 96.1%, which was given by one of the effects of the 1999 crisis. In 2001, the Ecuadorian economy starts to feel economic stability is one of the main factors reducing the increase in the level of prices which led to a reduction to a rate year to 37.7%, from there follow downward trend reaching the end of 2004 at a rate of 2.7%, ie, that dollarization in these three years have been applied could get a single-digit inflation.
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