Creación de una empresa de servicio de limpieza de desechos solidos en la ciudad de Guayaquil
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
A lo largo de la historia de la generación de desechos sólidos en el País en general ha sido uno de los principales problemas que las distintas ciudades han enfrentado, principalmente en la ciudad de Guayaquil en la que siempre existe la polémica de cómo poder contrarrestar la generación de los mismos o mejorar la prestación de servicios de recolección actuales. En el capítulo I del presente trabajo de investigación, trataremos del problema a investigar, el planteamiento del problema, su justificación y sus objetivos. En el capítulo II se presentará el marco teórico con los antecedentes, así como también el marco legal referente a la recolección de desechos sólidos en los que mencionaremos los artículos más importantes y lo concerniente a la metodología con la que vamos a abordar el tema con su respectiva hipótesis. En el capítulo III se presentará a la empresa de limpieza de desechos sólidos, realizaremos la creación de la misma mediante el método FODA, estudiando previamente los problemas de limpieza de desechos sólidos en la ciudad de Guayaquil, realizando para esto un estudio de mercado y finalmente en el capítulo IV mencionaremos las conclusiones y las recomendaciones que podríamos hacer a las autoridades competentes para mejorar el servicio de recolección de desechos sólidos en la ciudad de Guayaquil.
Throughout the history of solid waste generation in the country in general has been one of the main problems that have faced different cities, mainly in the city of Guayaquil in which there is always the debate of how to counteract the generation of the same or improve the delivery of current collection services. In Chapter I of this research work, try the research problem, the problem statement, justification and objectives. Chapter II will present the theoretical framework with the background, as well as the legal framework for solid waste collection in which mention the most important items concerning the methodology that we will address the issue with your respective hypothesis. Chapter III will be presented to the cleaning company of solid waste, will make the creation of it through the SWOT method, previously studied problems cleaning solid waste in the city of Guayaquil, for this performing market research and finally in Chapter IV mention the conclusions and recommendations that could do to the competent authorities to improve service solid waste collection in the city of Guayaquil
Throughout the history of solid waste generation in the country in general has been one of the main problems that have faced different cities, mainly in the city of Guayaquil in which there is always the debate of how to counteract the generation of the same or improve the delivery of current collection services. In Chapter I of this research work, try the research problem, the problem statement, justification and objectives. Chapter II will present the theoretical framework with the background, as well as the legal framework for solid waste collection in which mention the most important items concerning the methodology that we will address the issue with your respective hypothesis. Chapter III will be presented to the cleaning company of solid waste, will make the creation of it through the SWOT method, previously studied problems cleaning solid waste in the city of Guayaquil, for this performing market research and finally in Chapter IV mention the conclusions and recommendations that could do to the competent authorities to improve service solid waste collection in the city of Guayaquil
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