Estudio de factibilidad económica financiera para el desarrollo de la Microempresa Comercializadora de artículos para el hogar Yamidas S.A. Ubicada en la Ciudad de Guayaquil
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Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas
Se busca esclarecer el por qué la microempresa ―YAMIDAS S.A‖ no puede crecer rápidamente y seguir compitiendo como las demás, esto ha llevado a muchas posibles conclusiones como podrían ser; no contar con un plan de negocio bien estructurado, la mala selección del personal, o el hecho de que las entidades financieras no le brinden las facilidades para la obtención de un micro crédito, el problema hace referencia a ¿Cómo puede influir económicamente y en el desarrollo como tal?, para ello se presenta la justificación del problema, objetivos, hipótesis, variables dependientes e independientes, causa y consecuencias. En el Capítulo I se establece el marco teórico, se encuentran los antecedentes, fundamentación teórica, teorías sobre cómo fortalecer una microempresa, el marco conceptual. En el Capítulo II se establece la metodología, el diseño de investigación, el análisis FODA, un análisis estadístico sobre los clientes y el personal de ―YAMIDAS S.A‖, la entrevista a la gerente general, la población y muestra. El Capítulo III analiza el impacto financiero que influye a la microempresa, esto incluye Estado de Situación Financiera, Estado de Resultado Integral, Flujo de efectivo, VAN, TIR, análisis de sensibilidad optimista, conservador y pesimista. Y por último la conclusión y recomendación.
It seeks to clarify why microenterprise "YAMIDAS SA" can not grow quickly and remain competitive as its rivals, this has led to many possible conclusions as might be; the poor selection of staff, or the fact that financial institutions do not provide the facilities for obtaining a microcredit. It Refers to the problem of the microenterprise, How it may influence the economically development and its development as such, for this reason it describes the justification of the problem, objectives, hypothesis, independent and dependent variables, causes and consequences. Chapter I provides the theoretical framework, details the antecedents, theoretical foundation, theories on how to strengthen a microenterprise, the conceptual framework. In Chapter II establishes the methodology, design research, SWOT analysis, a statistical analysis on customers and "YAMIDAS SA" staff, an interview with the administrative manager, the population and sample. Chapter III examines the financial impact that influences into the microenterprise, this includes Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Comprehensive Income, Cash Flow, NPV, IRR, sensitivity analysis optimistic, conservative and pessimistic. Finally the conclusions and recommendations.
It seeks to clarify why microenterprise "YAMIDAS SA" can not grow quickly and remain competitive as its rivals, this has led to many possible conclusions as might be; the poor selection of staff, or the fact that financial institutions do not provide the facilities for obtaining a microcredit. It Refers to the problem of the microenterprise, How it may influence the economically development and its development as such, for this reason it describes the justification of the problem, objectives, hypothesis, independent and dependent variables, causes and consequences. Chapter I provides the theoretical framework, details the antecedents, theoretical foundation, theories on how to strengthen a microenterprise, the conceptual framework. In Chapter II establishes the methodology, design research, SWOT analysis, a statistical analysis on customers and "YAMIDAS SA" staff, an interview with the administrative manager, the population and sample. Chapter III examines the financial impact that influences into the microenterprise, this includes Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Comprehensive Income, Cash Flow, NPV, IRR, sensitivity analysis optimistic, conservative and pessimistic. Finally the conclusions and recommendations.
Palabras clave
Microempresa, Enchufismo, Administración, Foda, Factibilidad