Sobreendeudamiento en familias Guayaquileñas año 2011- 2012
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Universidad de Guayaquil, Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas
La idea de la presente investigación es poner al sobreendeudamiento en el centro de reflexión a los entes involucrados: gobierno, organismos de control, usuarios e instituciones financieras, ante el hecho de impulsos desaforados de consumir por parte de los usuarios financieros sin tener en muchas ocasiones la capacidad para asumir el endeudamiento; políticas desleales aplicadas por las instituciones del sistema financiero con el fin de acaparar el mercado. Poner el sobreendeudamiento en el medio de reflexión no sólo implica una labor descuidada, sino por sobre todo implica evaluar el impacto originado de las debilidades presentadas por las instituciones financieras en el momento de realizar la evaluación de la capacidad de pago y solvencia económica del solicitante; y, la falta de concientización y educación financiera en el manejo de las tarjetas de crédito. Nuestra hipótesis de investigación establece que la falta de concientización de los entes involucrados en esta problemática es una de las causas del sobreendeudamiento, concluyendo que la adecuada formación financiera es la clave de una economía familiar, lo que permite que el impacto de la utilización de las tarjetas de crédito sea positivo dentro de la economía.
The objective of this research is to point out over in debt to the main involved actors: government, control entities, users, and financial institutions, so they meditate about the fact that people are allowed to consume much more than they are able to pay, and they doing it, and this responds to unfaithful policies applied by financial institutions, whose only goal is to hoard their market. This not only implies an analysis of the causes, but overall, it implies the evaluation of the impact originated by the weaknesses financial institutions present in the process of risk assessment of their applicants. Another point is the lack of knowledge and awareness of the applicants in how to manage their credits. Our research hypothesis is that lack of knowledge and concern of this problem from all the involving parts is one of the main causes of over in debt. Our conclusion is that adequate financial information is the key to preserve family’s economies, and allows the use of credits cards to have positive effects within our economy.
The objective of this research is to point out over in debt to the main involved actors: government, control entities, users, and financial institutions, so they meditate about the fact that people are allowed to consume much more than they are able to pay, and they doing it, and this responds to unfaithful policies applied by financial institutions, whose only goal is to hoard their market. This not only implies an analysis of the causes, but overall, it implies the evaluation of the impact originated by the weaknesses financial institutions present in the process of risk assessment of their applicants. Another point is the lack of knowledge and awareness of the applicants in how to manage their credits. Our research hypothesis is that lack of knowledge and concern of this problem from all the involving parts is one of the main causes of over in debt. Our conclusion is that adequate financial information is the key to preserve family’s economies, and allows the use of credits cards to have positive effects within our economy.
Palabras clave
sobreendeudamiento, Capacidad de pago, Tarjetas de crédito, Finanzas familiares