Evaluación agronómica de dos variedades de arroz Oriza sativa con fertilización nitrogenada y dosis de mejoradores orgánicos
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Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias Universidad de Guayaquil
Esta investigación se desarrolló entre abril y agosto del 2016, en losterrenos propiedad de AGROHEBERSAN S.A., situada en Vía Palestina km
72, Ruta 5634 av. Principal, en el recinto Coloradal, del cantón Palestina,
provincia del Guayas. Con los siguientes objetivos: 1) Evaluaragronómicamente las variedades de arroz INIAP-15 y SFL-11 confertilizaciónnitrogenada, complementada con mejoradores orgánicos, 2)Realizar un análisis económico para determinar el tratamiento más rentable,y 3) Determinar la mayor respuesta productiva de las variedades INIAP-15 ySFL-11 a la fertilización nitrogenada y al mejorador orgánico. Se utilizó el diseño de bloques al azar, con arreglo factorial de 2 x 2 x 3 para 12 tratamientos y cuatro repeticiones. Los tres factores fueron, dos variedades de arroz (INIAP-15 y SFL-11), dos dosis de nitrógeno (90 y 180 kg/ha) y tres dosis de ácido húmico (0, 6 y 12 kg/ha). El análisis estadístico se realizó con la técnica análisis de varianza y la comparación de las medias de los tratamientos, se realizó mediante la prueba de Tukey al 5% de probabilidades. Se concluyó, a) La variedad INIAP-15 presentó los mejores resultados en las variables días a la floración y ciclo vegetativo, b) Los indicadores agronómicos altura de la planta, macollos por planta, panículas por planta, longitud de la panícula y rendimiento agrícola se mostraron superiores en la variedad SFL-11, c) En cuanto a las dosis de nitrógeno, la de 180 kg/ha mostró diferencias significativas en la longitud de panículas y rendimiento agrícola, d) En los estadígrafos longitud de las panículas, panículas por planta, macollos por planta y rendimiento agrícola se observaron diferencias significativas con la dosis de ácido húmico de 12 kg/ha, e) Económicamente el tratamiento siete (variedad SFL–11, con 90 kg/ha de Nitrógeno y sin aplicación de ácido húmico) fue el que mostró la tasa marginal de retorno más elevada
This research was carried out between April and August of the current year 2016, in the lands owned by AGROHEBERSAN S.A., located in Via Palestina km 72, Route 5634, main avenue, in the area called Coloradal, Palestina canton, Guayas province, with the following objectives: 1) Agronomically evaluate rice varieties INIAP-15 and SFL-11 with nitrogen fertilization, supplemented with organic improvers, and 2) Carry out an economic analysis to determine the most profitable treatment, and 3) To determine the greater productive response of the INIAP-15 and SFL-11 varieties to nitrogen fertilization and organic improver. A fully randomized block design was used with a factorial arrangement of 2 x 2 x 3 for 12 treatments and four replications. The three factors were two rice varieties (INIAP-15 and SFL-11), two nitrogen doses (90 and 180 kg/ha) and three doses of humic acid (0,6 and 12 kg/ha). The statistical analysis was performed using the technique of analysis of variance and the comparison of the treatments means, was done by a Tukey test at 5% of probabilities. In conclusion: a) The INIAP-15 variety showed the best results in the variable days of flowering and vegetative cycle; b) Agronomic indicators plant height, tillers per plant, panicles per plant, panicle length and agricultural yield were higher in the variety SFL-11, c) Regarding the nitrogen doses, the one of 180 kg/ha showed significant differences in panicle length and agricultural yield, d) In the statisticians length of panicles, panicles per plant, tillers per plant and agricultural performance, significant differences were observed with humic acid doses of 12 kg/ha, e) Economically reatment seven (variety SFL-11, with 90 kg/ha of nitrogen and without application of humic acid) was the one that showed the highest marginal rate of ret
This research was carried out between April and August of the current year 2016, in the lands owned by AGROHEBERSAN S.A., located in Via Palestina km 72, Route 5634, main avenue, in the area called Coloradal, Palestina canton, Guayas province, with the following objectives: 1) Agronomically evaluate rice varieties INIAP-15 and SFL-11 with nitrogen fertilization, supplemented with organic improvers, and 2) Carry out an economic analysis to determine the most profitable treatment, and 3) To determine the greater productive response of the INIAP-15 and SFL-11 varieties to nitrogen fertilization and organic improver. A fully randomized block design was used with a factorial arrangement of 2 x 2 x 3 for 12 treatments and four replications. The three factors were two rice varieties (INIAP-15 and SFL-11), two nitrogen doses (90 and 180 kg/ha) and three doses of humic acid (0,6 and 12 kg/ha). The statistical analysis was performed using the technique of analysis of variance and the comparison of the treatments means, was done by a Tukey test at 5% of probabilities. In conclusion: a) The INIAP-15 variety showed the best results in the variable days of flowering and vegetative cycle; b) Agronomic indicators plant height, tillers per plant, panicles per plant, panicle length and agricultural yield were higher in the variety SFL-11, c) Regarding the nitrogen doses, the one of 180 kg/ha showed significant differences in panicle length and agricultural yield, d) In the statisticians length of panicles, panicles per plant, tillers per plant and agricultural performance, significant differences were observed with humic acid doses of 12 kg/ha, e) Economically reatment seven (variety SFL-11, with 90 kg/ha of nitrogen and without application of humic acid) was the one that showed the highest marginal rate of ret
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