Incidencia de la incorrecta reinversión de excedentes de las instituciones privadas sin fines de lucro en las personas de escasos recursos de la ciudad de Guayaquil.
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Universidad de Guayaquil, Facultad de Ciencia Administrativas
En los antecedentes se realiza el análisis de las Instituciones Privadas Sin Fines de Lucro eligiéndolas como apoyo para llevar a cabo la presente tesis, en la cual nos referimos a uno de los principales problemas que inconscientemente en la actualidad afecta a dichas Instituciones y a la comunidad especialmente a las personas de escasos recursos que asisten a dichas instituciones; se expone los objetivos generales, específicos que perseveramos lograr con la difusión de la Normativa Tributaria, lo que promoverá a que dichas instituciones procedan a invertir sus excedentes en la forma correcta es decir que sean destinados a sus fines específicos, lo cual provocara el mejoramiento de los servicios que brindan las Instituciones Privadas Sin fines de Lucro. En el capítulo I se muestra el Marco Teórico de información que es de mucha importancia que conozcamos, ya que es nuestra explicación científica, mediante el cual se sostiene nuestra propuesta. Se hace mención a la información obtenida para la implementación del proceso de difusión de la Normativa Tributaria. En el capítulo II se expone el diseño de la Investigación de una de las Instituciones Privadas Sin fines de Lucro especializadas en brindar servicios de Salud, y la entrevista con uno de los expertos de dicha institución. En el capítulo III realizamos el análisis de datos en base a las encuestas realizadas a usuarios de la Institución. En el capítulo IV se desarrollan las conclusiones a las que llegamos luego del desarrollo de la tesis y recomendaciones que se expresan a los leedores de la misma.
In the record is the analysis of Private Institutions Nonprofit choosing them as support to achieve this thesis, which we refer to one of the main problems unconsciously affects those institutions and the community especially to poor people who attend those institutions nowadays; we discussed the general and specific objects, that we persevere to achieve with the tax regulations, so, it will promote to invest their surplus to this institutionsin the right way, that it is to say, it will be destined for their specific purposes, which it will result in improving the services offered by private non-profit organization. In Chapter we show the theoretical framework of information is very important to know, because it is our scientific explanation, which is supported by our proposal. Mention is made of the information obtained for the implementation of the diffusion process of the tax legislation. Chapter II outlines the research design of one of the private non-profit specializing in providing health services, and the interview with one of the experts of the institution. In Chapter III performed the data analysis based on surveys of users of the institution. In Chapter IV developed the conclusions we arrived after the development of the thesis and recommendations expressed to readers thereof.
In the record is the analysis of Private Institutions Nonprofit choosing them as support to achieve this thesis, which we refer to one of the main problems unconsciously affects those institutions and the community especially to poor people who attend those institutions nowadays; we discussed the general and specific objects, that we persevere to achieve with the tax regulations, so, it will promote to invest their surplus to this institutionsin the right way, that it is to say, it will be destined for their specific purposes, which it will result in improving the services offered by private non-profit organization. In Chapter we show the theoretical framework of information is very important to know, because it is our scientific explanation, which is supported by our proposal. Mention is made of the information obtained for the implementation of the diffusion process of the tax legislation. Chapter II outlines the research design of one of the private non-profit specializing in providing health services, and the interview with one of the experts of the institution. In Chapter III performed the data analysis based on surveys of users of the institution. In Chapter IV developed the conclusions we arrived after the development of the thesis and recommendations expressed to readers thereof.
Palabras clave
Excedentes de las Instituciones Privadas Sin Fines de Lucro