El costumbrismo y la ruralidad del cuento "El Guaraguao" de José Joaquín Gallegos Lara
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Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación
Hemos realizado esta investigación cuyo tema es El Costumbrismo y la Ruralidad del cuento El Guaraguao de José Joaquín Gallegos Lara y la propuesta La dramatización como estrategia de enseñanza de Literatura en el siglo XXI, para el desarrollo de las destrezas lectoras de las obras literarias nacionales en los estudiantes del décimo año del Colegio Fiscal Alejandro Bustamante, parroquia San Lorenzo del cantón Jipijapa, durante el período lectivo 2012-2013. Encontrando como problema, la poca motivación que los estudiantes tienen para la lectura debido a la inadecuada estrategia para la lectura crítica, el objetivo principal del proyecto fue detectar la falta de estrategias hacia la asignatura de literatura dando como resultado aprendizajes no activos. El primer capítulo se refiere al planteamiento del problema, el capítulo dos corresponde al marco teórico acerca de dramatización como estrategia de enseñanza, con el propósito de incentivar a los estudiantes a desarrollar la lectura crítica, docentes, cuya finalidad es enmarcar la comprensión de la lectura y hacer conciencia el uso cotidiano de la lengua. Cuya finalidad de esta investigación es la aplicación de estrategias de enseñanza de lecturas para un buen aprendizaje activo. Mediante las estrategias aprendidas será la única garantía para que se conviertan en habilidades propias, el capítulo tres corresponde a la metodología utilizada en el proyecto, el cuarto capítulo corresponde a la tabulación y gráfico de las encuestas realizada a los estudiantes y docentes de la institución de la cual se pudo extraer conclusiones y recomendaciones y por último la propuesta que consta del guíon de la dramatización de la obra de José Joaquín Gallegos Lara “El Guaraguao” realizada por los estudiantes del tercer año de educación básica del Colegio Fiscal Alejandro Bustamante.
We have done this research whose theme is El Costumbrismo y la Ruralidad del cuento El Guaraguao by José Joaquín Gallegos Lara and the proposal The dramatization as a teaching strategy of Literature in the XXI century for the development of reading skills of national literary works in The students of the 10th year of the Alejandro Bustamante Public School, San Lorenzo parish of Jipijapa, during the academic period 2012-2013. Finding as a problem, the lack of motivation students have for reading due to the inadequate strategy for critical reading, the main objective of the project was to detect the lack of strategies towards the subject of literature resulting in non-active learning. The first chapter refers to the approach of the problem, chapter two corresponds to the theoretical framework about dramatization as a teaching strategy, with the purpose of encouraging students to develop critical reading, teachers, whose purpose is to frame the understanding of reading And to make aware the daily use of the language. The purpose of this research is the application of reading teaching strategies for a good active learning. Through the strategies learned will be the only guarantee for them to become their own skills, chapter three corresponds to the methodology used in the project, the fourth chapter corresponds to the tabulation and chart of the surveys conducted to students and teachers of the institution Which was able to draw conclusions and recommendations and finally the proposal contained in the guideline of the dramatization of the work of José Joaquín Gallegos Lara "El Guaraguao" carried out by students of the third year of basic education of the Alejandro Bustamante Colegio Fiscal.
We have done this research whose theme is El Costumbrismo y la Ruralidad del cuento El Guaraguao by José Joaquín Gallegos Lara and the proposal The dramatization as a teaching strategy of Literature in the XXI century for the development of reading skills of national literary works in The students of the 10th year of the Alejandro Bustamante Public School, San Lorenzo parish of Jipijapa, during the academic period 2012-2013. Finding as a problem, the lack of motivation students have for reading due to the inadequate strategy for critical reading, the main objective of the project was to detect the lack of strategies towards the subject of literature resulting in non-active learning. The first chapter refers to the approach of the problem, chapter two corresponds to the theoretical framework about dramatization as a teaching strategy, with the purpose of encouraging students to develop critical reading, teachers, whose purpose is to frame the understanding of reading And to make aware the daily use of the language. The purpose of this research is the application of reading teaching strategies for a good active learning. Through the strategies learned will be the only guarantee for them to become their own skills, chapter three corresponds to the methodology used in the project, the fourth chapter corresponds to the tabulation and chart of the surveys conducted to students and teachers of the institution Which was able to draw conclusions and recommendations and finally the proposal contained in the guideline of the dramatization of the work of José Joaquín Gallegos Lara "El Guaraguao" carried out by students of the third year of basic education of the Alejandro Bustamante Colegio Fiscal.
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