El cuento literario como estrategia didáctica para la motivación lectora
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Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación
El presente Proyecto “El cuento literario como estrategia didáctica para la motivación lectora”. Propuesta: “Aplicación de estrategias de lecturas crìtica al cuento Banda de pueblo del autor José de la Cuadra dirigida a estudiantes del 8vo año de educación básica del colegio fiscal mixto Ismael Pérez Pazmiño”. En donde los estudiantes presentan desinterés por la lectura, lo cual se refleja en el bajo rendimiento académico estudiantil.Sin duda alguna la familia, la escuela y el entorno son la clave en el aprendizaje de todo ser humano. Ya que las experiencias elevan o disminuyen el nivel de la autoestima que son fundamentales en el desarrollo de la personalidad: Por tal motivo la comunidad educativa está llamada a un constante aprendizaje. En cuanto a este tema tiene la finalidad de cambios positivos que serán tanto de bienestar para docentes y estudiantes en el mejoramiento de la lectura comprensiva para obtener una eficaz estimulación de la comunicación oral. Se presenta un Marco Teórico sobre la lectura comprensiva, la aplicación de estrategias de lectura. Se fundamenta en la Corriente Filosófica del Pragmatismo, en la Constitución de la República del Ecuador, la Ley Orgánica de Educación Intercultural. La metodología del presente trabajo corresponde a un Proyecto Factible porque cuenta con el apoyo de los directivos, estudiantes y comunidad en general; siendo también de Campo, puesto que se lleva a cabo en el mismo lugar de los acontecimientos. Es además una investigación de tipo Exploratoria, Evaluativa, Correlacional y Bibliográfica; que utiliza técnicas de observación, entrevista y encuestas, las cuales fueron dirigidas a: directivos, docentes y estudiantes respectivamente. Los datos fueron tabulados electrónicamente, su presentación se lo hace por medio de cuadros y gráficos estadísticos. Este trabajo fue concebido con la finalidad de lograr cambios positivos en la formación integral en beneficio de los educandos del plantel antes mencionado. Asimismo contiene una propuesta de aplicación de estrategias de lectura crítica, siendo una herramienta de gran importancia para el proceso educativo
The present Project "Literary story as a didactic strategy for reading motivation". Proposal: "Application of critical reading strategies to the story People's band José de la Cuadra addressed to students of the 8th year of basic education of the mixed tax school Ismael Pérez Pazmiño." Where students are disinterested in reading, which is reflected in the low student academic performance. Without doubt the family, the school and the environment are the key in the learning of every human being. Since experiences raise or lower the level of self-esteem that are fundamental in the development of personality: For this reason the educational community is called to a constant learning. With regard to this theme, the purpose of positive changes will be both welfare for teachers and students in the improvement of comprehensive reading to obtain an effective stimulation of oral communication. A Theoretical Framework on comprehensive reading, the application of reading strategies is presented. It is based on the Philosophical Current of Pragmatism, in the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador, the Organic Law of Intercultural Education. The methodology of the present work corresponds to a Feasible Project because it counts with the support of the managers, students and community in general; Being also of Field, since it is carried out in the same place of the events. It is also an Exploratory, Evaluative, Correlational and Bibliographic research; Which uses techniques of observation, interview and surveys, which were addressed to: managers, teachers and students respectively. The data were tabulated electronically, their presentation is done by means of tables and statistical graphs. This work was conceived with the purpose of achieving positive changes in the integral formation for the benefit of the students of the aforementioned establishment. It also contains a proposal for the application of critical reading strategies, being a tool of great importance for the educational process
The present Project "Literary story as a didactic strategy for reading motivation". Proposal: "Application of critical reading strategies to the story People's band José de la Cuadra addressed to students of the 8th year of basic education of the mixed tax school Ismael Pérez Pazmiño." Where students are disinterested in reading, which is reflected in the low student academic performance. Without doubt the family, the school and the environment are the key in the learning of every human being. Since experiences raise or lower the level of self-esteem that are fundamental in the development of personality: For this reason the educational community is called to a constant learning. With regard to this theme, the purpose of positive changes will be both welfare for teachers and students in the improvement of comprehensive reading to obtain an effective stimulation of oral communication. A Theoretical Framework on comprehensive reading, the application of reading strategies is presented. It is based on the Philosophical Current of Pragmatism, in the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador, the Organic Law of Intercultural Education. The methodology of the present work corresponds to a Feasible Project because it counts with the support of the managers, students and community in general; Being also of Field, since it is carried out in the same place of the events. It is also an Exploratory, Evaluative, Correlational and Bibliographic research; Which uses techniques of observation, interview and surveys, which were addressed to: managers, teachers and students respectively. The data were tabulated electronically, their presentation is done by means of tables and statistical graphs. This work was conceived with the purpose of achieving positive changes in the integral formation for the benefit of the students of the aforementioned establishment. It also contains a proposal for the application of critical reading strategies, being a tool of great importance for the educational process
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