Recursos didácticos aplicados a la enseñanza de la contabilidad básica en el colegio nacional Vicente Rocafuerte
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Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación
El presenteproyecto comprende todo lo referente a recursos y materiales didácticosen la enseñanza de la Contabilidadbásica,como una herramienta idónea para conseguir aprendizajes significativos en la materia. En éste estudio se conciben que los recursos didácticos son los implementos complementarios en el proceso educativo, como un conjunto de herramientas que los maestros elaboran para que el estudiante construya el conocimiento, lo transforme y lo evalúe, de una manera eficiente, además de participar junto con el educando en la recuperación de su propio proceso de aprendizaje, relacionar nuevo contenido de aprendizaje, de manera sustancial, como las estructuras cognoscitivasque le permitan desarrollar competencias en el aprendizaje de la Contabilidad. La enseñanza debe producirse en el acertado encuentro el estudiante, el maestro, los recursos y el contenido. En este encuentro la participación de maestro como orientador, guía o facilitador es fundamental para conseguir aprendizajes significativos. Los medios y apoyos didácticos son canales que facilitan el aprendizaje. El proyecto utiliza como método inductivo-deductivo y el tipo de investigación consiste en la recolección bibliográfica de la información y de campo, bajo una modalidad descriptiva de los parámetros que influyen en la investigación, presenta tabulación de los datos y gráficos estadísticos que muestran la realidad del presente estudio, el propósito consiste en presentar actividades y recursos didácticos por medio de una guía interactiva innovadora que permita optimizar el proceso de enseñanzaaprendizaje que motiven a los estudiantes en la aprehensión de los conocimientos, debido a que en el área de contabilidad no existen recursos didácticos que salgan de los paradigmas tradicionales. Por tales motivos la propuesta del presente proyecto induce a la creatividad, desarrollo cognitivo, y de las potencialidades comunicativas y de cálculo, el fortalecimiento de la capacidad de análisis crítico y sobre todo la aplicación de las ciencias contables en el diario vivir
The present project includes everything related to resources and didactic materials in the teaching of basic accounting, as a suitable tool to achieve meaningful learning in the subject. In this study it is conceived that didactic resources are the complementary implements in the educational process, as a set of tools that the teachers elaborate so that the student constructs the knowledge, transforms it and it evaluates, in an efficient way, besides participating together With the student in the recovery of his own learning process, relate new learning content, in a substantial way, as cognitive structures that allow him to develop competences in the learning of Accounting. Teaching should occur in the successful encounter the student, teacher, resources and content. In this meeting the participation of the teacher as a guide, guide or facilitator is essential to achieve meaningful learning. The means and didactic supports are channels that facilitate the learning. The project uses as an inductive-deductive method and the type of research consists of the bibliographical collection of the information and field, under a descriptive modality of the parameters that influence the investigation, presents tabulation of the data and statistical graphs that show the reality Of the present study, the purpose is to present didactic activities and resources by means of an innovative interactive guide that allows to optimize the teaching-learning process that motivates the students in the apprehension of the knowledge, because in the area of accounting there are no resources That come out of traditional paradigms. For these reasons the proposal of the present project induces to the creativity, cognitive development, and of the communicative and calculation potential, the capacity of critical analysis and, above all, the application of the accounting sciences in the daily life
The present project includes everything related to resources and didactic materials in the teaching of basic accounting, as a suitable tool to achieve meaningful learning in the subject. In this study it is conceived that didactic resources are the complementary implements in the educational process, as a set of tools that the teachers elaborate so that the student constructs the knowledge, transforms it and it evaluates, in an efficient way, besides participating together With the student in the recovery of his own learning process, relate new learning content, in a substantial way, as cognitive structures that allow him to develop competences in the learning of Accounting. Teaching should occur in the successful encounter the student, teacher, resources and content. In this meeting the participation of the teacher as a guide, guide or facilitator is essential to achieve meaningful learning. The means and didactic supports are channels that facilitate the learning. The project uses as an inductive-deductive method and the type of research consists of the bibliographical collection of the information and field, under a descriptive modality of the parameters that influence the investigation, presents tabulation of the data and statistical graphs that show the reality Of the present study, the purpose is to present didactic activities and resources by means of an innovative interactive guide that allows to optimize the teaching-learning process that motivates the students in the apprehension of the knowledge, because in the area of accounting there are no resources That come out of traditional paradigms. For these reasons the proposal of the present project induces to the creativity, cognitive development, and of the communicative and calculation potential, the capacity of critical analysis and, above all, the application of the accounting sciences in the daily life
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