La educación virtual para el aprendizaje de la contabilidad
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Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación
En nuestro país los estudiantes se sienten insatisfechos porque aún existen instituciones que aplican métodos tradicionalistas y no permiten la participación del estudiante en las clases impartidas por parte del docente, por ende ellos no llegan a ser capaces de desenvolverse por si mismos y ser autónomos sino profesionales pasivos que no contribuyen con el adelanto de la sociedad. Al conocer y analizar este problema especialmente en el Colegio Fiscal Mixto Matutino “Assad Bucaram Elmhalin” y cómo repercute en la tarea educativa e influyen de manera directa en el proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje, se ha considerado importante crear una herramienta didáctica para los docentes que sirva de base para la correcta ejecución del currículo actual con la finalidad de formar jóvenes estudiantes que respondan a las necesidades socio económicas, culturales y productivas, que contribuyan al desarrollo del país y a la creación de una sociedad humanizada para lo cual se debe tener muy en cuenta que el avance del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje, tiene buenos resultados cuando el maestro conoce de la materia, sabe lo que va hacer, como lo va hacer y qué es lo que quiere lograr, para esto es necesario que el maestro cuente con un documento guía que le sirva de apoyo o fuente de conocimiento, el mismo que proporciona mayor facilidad para orientar y dirigir la clase. El proceso de investigación que se llevó a cabo está basado en los paradigmas cualitativo y cuantitativo aplicando métodos que permitieron obtener resultados claros mediante la aplicación de la encuesta a estudiantes, docentes y la entrevista a la autoridad. Esta propuesta está orientada a educadores con el fin de desarrollar la clase eficazmente para facilitar un mejor aprendizaje, así como también para que los estudiantes puedan desempeñarse como individuos críticos y activos con conocimientos sólidos de contabilidad que faciliten al desarrollo integral
In our country students feel dissatisfied because there are still institutions that apply traditional methods and do not allow the student's participation in the classes taught by the teacher, therefore they are not able to develop themselves and be autonomous but professionals Liabilities that do not contribute to the advancement of society. The knowledge and analysis of this problem, especially at the "Assad Bucaram Elmhalin" Joint Tax School, and how it affects the educational task and directly influence the teaching - learning process, it has been considered important to create a didactic tool for teachers who Serve as a basis for the correct execution of the current curriculum in order to train young students who meet the socio-economic, cultural and productive needs that contribute to the development of the country and to the creation of a humanized society. That the progress of the teaching-learning process has good results when the teacher knows the subject, knows what he is going to do, how he will do it and what he wants to achieve, for this it is necessary for the teacher to have a document Guide that serves as support or source of knowledge, which provides greater ease to guide and direct the class. The research process that was carried out is based on the qualitative and quantitative paradigms applying methods that allowed to obtain clear results through the application of the survey to students, teachers and the interview to the authority. This proposal is aimed at educators in order to develop the class effectively to facilitate better learning, as well as for students to be able to act as critical and active individuals with solid accounting skills that facilitate integral development
In our country students feel dissatisfied because there are still institutions that apply traditional methods and do not allow the student's participation in the classes taught by the teacher, therefore they are not able to develop themselves and be autonomous but professionals Liabilities that do not contribute to the advancement of society. The knowledge and analysis of this problem, especially at the "Assad Bucaram Elmhalin" Joint Tax School, and how it affects the educational task and directly influence the teaching - learning process, it has been considered important to create a didactic tool for teachers who Serve as a basis for the correct execution of the current curriculum in order to train young students who meet the socio-economic, cultural and productive needs that contribute to the development of the country and to the creation of a humanized society. That the progress of the teaching-learning process has good results when the teacher knows the subject, knows what he is going to do, how he will do it and what he wants to achieve, for this it is necessary for the teacher to have a document Guide that serves as support or source of knowledge, which provides greater ease to guide and direct the class. The research process that was carried out is based on the qualitative and quantitative paradigms applying methods that allowed to obtain clear results through the application of the survey to students, teachers and the interview to the authority. This proposal is aimed at educators in order to develop the class effectively to facilitate better learning, as well as for students to be able to act as critical and active individuals with solid accounting skills that facilitate integral development
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