Importancia de los documentos comerciales en la organización de una empresa
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Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación
Con los cambios vertiginosos en los diferentes campos del saber toca al Profesor ser susceptible a las estrategias que la pedagogía moderna exige ya que el estudiante es el centro del acto educativo, estas estrategias conciben el aprendizaje como un proceso constructivo y no receptivo. La investigación realizada da la respuesta a la necesidad de revisar la metodología utilizada en el manejo de la registración, terminología y documentación comercial para producir aprendizajes significativos ya que la actual por causas como tradicionalismo, falta de capacitación docente y poca colaboración de padres de familia no responde al éxito deseado. La Investigación en el Marco teórico hace una profunda revisión de los diferentes modelos educativos implementados, se desglosan los estilos de aprendizaje y su influencia en el rendimiento académico. Además de ser un proyecto factible y de campo las investigaciones entre ellas la diagnostica, explorativa, descriptiva, permitieron analizar los resultados de la investigación de campo, con sus respectivas interpretaciones; se parte de los objetivos específicos, de la variable dependiente e independiente de los cuadros, gráficos encuestas que guardan relación con el estudio, todas ellas son analizadas de acuerdo a los argumentos psicopedagógicos en las conclusiones que sustentan la Propuesta: Elaboración de una Guía metodológica para una correcta manipulación de documentos comerciales donde se utilizan las técnicas adecuadas en los ejercicios prácticos con tecnologías actuales y aplicando diariamente las normas del buen vivir para formar un estudiante investigador, reflexivo, creativo y crítico
With the vertiginous changes in the different fields of knowledge it is up to the teacher to be susceptible to the strategies that modern pedagogy demands since the student is the center of the educational act, these strategies conceive of learning as a constructive process and not receptive. The research performed responds to the need to revise the methodology used in the management of registration, terminology and commercial documentation to produce meaningful learning since the current one for reasons such as traditionalism, lack of teacher training and little collaboration of parents do not Responds to the desired success. Research in the Theoretical Framework makes a profound revision of the different educational models implemented, it breaks down the learning styles and their influence on the academic performance. In addition to being a feasible and field-based project, the investigations between the diagnostic, exploratory, descriptive, allowed to analyze the results of the field research, with their respective interpretations; Are based on the specific objectives, the dependent variable and independent of the tables, graphs surveys that are related to the study, all of them are analyzed according to the psychopedagogical arguments in the conclusions that support the Proposal: Elaboration of a methodological guide for A correct manipulation of commercial documents where appropriate techniques are used in practical exercises with current technologies and applying daily the norms of good living to form a research student, reflective, creative and critical
With the vertiginous changes in the different fields of knowledge it is up to the teacher to be susceptible to the strategies that modern pedagogy demands since the student is the center of the educational act, these strategies conceive of learning as a constructive process and not receptive. The research performed responds to the need to revise the methodology used in the management of registration, terminology and commercial documentation to produce meaningful learning since the current one for reasons such as traditionalism, lack of teacher training and little collaboration of parents do not Responds to the desired success. Research in the Theoretical Framework makes a profound revision of the different educational models implemented, it breaks down the learning styles and their influence on the academic performance. In addition to being a feasible and field-based project, the investigations between the diagnostic, exploratory, descriptive, allowed to analyze the results of the field research, with their respective interpretations; Are based on the specific objectives, the dependent variable and independent of the tables, graphs surveys that are related to the study, all of them are analyzed according to the psychopedagogical arguments in the conclusions that support the Proposal: Elaboration of a methodological guide for A correct manipulation of commercial documents where appropriate techniques are used in practical exercises with current technologies and applying daily the norms of good living to form a research student, reflective, creative and critical
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