Proponer una guia de evaluacion que logre medir el desempeño por competencia de trabajadores de la Constructora Vial Equitesa en la Ciudad de Guayaquil
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Universidad de Guayaquil, Facultad de Ciencia Administrativas
Este proyecto trata sobre los problemas que se observaron dentro de la compañía EQUITESA con cada uno de los trabajadores en la ejecución de sus funciones y en la determinación de sus capacidades, buscamos como propósito fundamental proponer una guía de evaluación que permita mejorar las actividades diarias en sus puestos de trabajo y que sean remunerados según sus capacidades. Iniciamos con la determinación y planteamiento del problema, objetivo general y específicos; justificación de la investigación: teórica, en la que se detalla la problemática que tomamos de la empresa para llevar a cabo esta investigación; metodológica, en la que planteamos los métodos de investigación que se llevarán a cabo para la recolección de información y determinar el instrumento que se usará para obtención de datos dentro de la compañía, necesarios para la veracidad de nuestra investigación los cuales han sido tabulados, procesados y analizados; práctica, donde se detalla cómo se puede llevar a cabo nuestra propuesta, sustentada por el Marco Teórico. Dentro del marco teórico desarrollamos y redactamos las variables que se encuentran dentro de nuestra propuesta sobre la evaluación, el desempeño, las competencias y la importancia de estas. Además enfatizamos en todo lo que tiene que ver con la evaluación: por qué, cómo, dónde, a quienes, para qué, etc. Estudiamos su aplicación en sus diferentes áreas. Dentro de la metodología se diagnosticó el problema a través de un análisis situacional; información obtenida de personas que laboran en la compañía, para determinar de forma general la importancia de la aplicación de la evaluación. Para la elaboración de este proyecto se encuestó a todo el personal que labora en las diferentes áreas de la Constructora Vial Equitesa en la ciudad de Guayaquil, estratificando nuestro universo según las áreas de trabajo. Se diseñó un formulario de evaluación, tomando en cuenta los problemas a mejorar para que la compañía cuente con personal capacitado en las diferentes áreas de trabajo, también para evitar los problemas al momento de determinar salarios y delegar funciones.
Para solucionar este problema hemos elaborado un formulario de evaluación del desempeño por competencia, el cual puede ser aplicado a toda la organización en sus diferentes áreas, con la finalidad de que el evaluador sea veraz al momento de aplicar dicha evaluación. Para la aplicación de este modelo, el evaluado será quien designe quienes van a evaluarlo, para aplicar esta evaluación el personal debe ser capacitado en cómo se va a aplicar dicho modelo y se realizará una simulación para evitar errores futuros. Este modelo de evaluación del desempeño por competencia, creemos
que será un método que ayudará a la solución de los problemas y a la mejora en el trabajo de cada uno de los empleados. Además ayudará a determinar los salarios según sus capacidades. Entre los involucrados que ayudarán a la solución de los problemas han sido tomados en cuenta todos los miembros de la organización.
This project is about the problems that were observed inside the company EQUITESA with each of the workers in the execution of their duties and determine their abilities, our fundamental purpose is to propose a system evaluation to improve their daily activities in their job and be paid according to their abilities. We begin with the determination and problem statement, general and specific objectives; theoretical justification of the research detailing the problems we took from the company to perform this methodological research, where we propound there search methods we will use to collect information and determine the instrument that will be used for obtaining data within the company necessary for the veracity of our research, which have been tabulated, processed and analyzed, which details how we can conduct our proposal, supported by the theoretical framework. Inside the theoretical framework we developed and drafted the variables that are in our proposal about the evaluation, the performance, the competencies and the importance of these. Also emphasized in everything that has to do with the evaluation: why, how, where, who, for, etc. We studied its application in different areas. Within the methodology was diagnosed the problem through a situational analysis; information obtained from people working in the company, to determine in general the importance of implementing an evaluation. For the development of this project all the staff working indifferent areas of Equitesa Road Construction in the city of Guayaquil was surveyed, stratifying our universe as work areas. Was design an evaluation model, taking into account the problems that must be improved so that the company can have staff capable and trained in different areas of work, also to avoid problems at the moment of determine salaries and delegate functions. To solve this problem and detect valuable personal we have developed a performance evaluation model for competition, which can be applied in all the organization in different areas, in order that the evaluator can be truthful when he has to apply that evaluation. For the application of this model, the person appointed will appoint who is going to evaluate him, to apply this evaluation the staff should be trained in how will apply this model and perform a simulation to avoid future errors. This evaluation model of the competition performance, we believe will be a method that would help to solve the problems and improve the work of each employee. Also help to determine salaries according to their abilities. Among the involved who will help to the solution of the problems have been taken into account all members of the organization.
This project is about the problems that were observed inside the company EQUITESA with each of the workers in the execution of their duties and determine their abilities, our fundamental purpose is to propose a system evaluation to improve their daily activities in their job and be paid according to their abilities. We begin with the determination and problem statement, general and specific objectives; theoretical justification of the research detailing the problems we took from the company to perform this methodological research, where we propound there search methods we will use to collect information and determine the instrument that will be used for obtaining data within the company necessary for the veracity of our research, which have been tabulated, processed and analyzed, which details how we can conduct our proposal, supported by the theoretical framework. Inside the theoretical framework we developed and drafted the variables that are in our proposal about the evaluation, the performance, the competencies and the importance of these. Also emphasized in everything that has to do with the evaluation: why, how, where, who, for, etc. We studied its application in different areas. Within the methodology was diagnosed the problem through a situational analysis; information obtained from people working in the company, to determine in general the importance of implementing an evaluation. For the development of this project all the staff working indifferent areas of Equitesa Road Construction in the city of Guayaquil was surveyed, stratifying our universe as work areas. Was design an evaluation model, taking into account the problems that must be improved so that the company can have staff capable and trained in different areas of work, also to avoid problems at the moment of determine salaries and delegate functions. To solve this problem and detect valuable personal we have developed a performance evaluation model for competition, which can be applied in all the organization in different areas, in order that the evaluator can be truthful when he has to apply that evaluation. For the application of this model, the person appointed will appoint who is going to evaluate him, to apply this evaluation the staff should be trained in how will apply this model and perform a simulation to avoid future errors. This evaluation model of the competition performance, we believe will be a method that would help to solve the problems and improve the work of each employee. Also help to determine salaries according to their abilities. Among the involved who will help to the solution of the problems have been taken into account all members of the organization.
Palabras clave
Guía, Evaluación, Desempeño, Competencias