Estudio e Implementación de Metodología de Análisis Forense Digital Aplicables en un Laboratorio de Informática Forense en la Carrera de Ingeniería en Networking y Telecomunicaciones
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas y Físicas. Carrera de Ingeniería en Networking y Telecomunicaciones
A través de la presente investigación se estudiarán las diferentes metodologías existentes para el Análisis Forense Digital. El principal objetivo que se persigue con este trabajo es aplicar las mejores prácticas, procedimientos técnicos y normas operativas para la propuesta de implementación de un nuevo laboratorio en la Universidad de Guayaquil, específicamente en la Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas y Físicas, Carrera de Ingeniería en Networking y Telecomunicaciones. Se define el concepto de evidencia digital y su clasificación, se mencionan manuales internacionales relacionados con la recolección, manipulación, preservación y análisis de la misma, así como las leyes relacionadas a delitos y fraudes informáticos que rigen en la legislación ecuatoriana. Se realiza una investigación tanto exploratoria como descriptiva por medio de encuestas a los alumnos para determinar la necesidad de implementación de un laboratorio de informática forense con las normas y procedimientos apropiados para efectuar el análisis de evidencia digital y para desarrollar el aprendizaje en esta ciencia. Se resalta la importancia que tienen los resultados obtenidos a partir de los objetos examinados ya que se pueden constituir como prueba fehaciente de la existencia de un delito, por ende se propone aplicar los métodos adecuados al momento de tratar la evidencia en todos sus aspectos, garantizando de esta manera que esta mantenga su integridad y que los resultados sean confiables.
Through this research the different existing methodologies for digital forensics are studied. The main objective pursued with this study is to apply best practices, technical procedures and operational rules for the proposed implementation of a new laboratory at the University of Guayaquil, specifically in the Faculty of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, Networking and Telecommunications Engineering Department. The concept of digital evidence and its classification is defined, international manuals related to the collection, manipulation, preservation and analysis of it are mentioned, as well as the laws related to computer crime and fraud that govern Ecuadorian legislation. Both exploratory and descriptive research is conducted through student surveys to determine the need for implementation of a forensic computer lab with the appropriate rules and procedures to conduct digital evidence analysis and to develop learning in this science. It highlights the importance of the results obtained from the objects examined since they can be established as evidence of the existence of a crime, therefore it is proposed to apply the appropriate methods when dealing with the evidence in all its aspects, ensuring so that it maintains its integrity and that the results are reliable.
Through this research the different existing methodologies for digital forensics are studied. The main objective pursued with this study is to apply best practices, technical procedures and operational rules for the proposed implementation of a new laboratory at the University of Guayaquil, specifically in the Faculty of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, Networking and Telecommunications Engineering Department. The concept of digital evidence and its classification is defined, international manuals related to the collection, manipulation, preservation and analysis of it are mentioned, as well as the laws related to computer crime and fraud that govern Ecuadorian legislation. Both exploratory and descriptive research is conducted through student surveys to determine the need for implementation of a forensic computer lab with the appropriate rules and procedures to conduct digital evidence analysis and to develop learning in this science. It highlights the importance of the results obtained from the objects examined since they can be established as evidence of the existence of a crime, therefore it is proposed to apply the appropriate methods when dealing with the evidence in all its aspects, ensuring so that it maintains its integrity and that the results are reliable.
Palabras clave
Metodologías, Análisis Forense, laboratorio, Informática Forense