Manejo del instrumental quirúrgico para intervenir Pacientes con fracturas maxilares
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad Piloto de Odontología
El tratamiento quirúrgico de las fracturas maxilofaciales es un tema
básicamente de postgrado, sin embargo es importante que el
odontólogo general y los estudiantes de esta carrera conozcan el
manejo adecuado del instrumental que se utiliza durante el
tratamiento quirúrgico de estas fracturas, para evitar problemas de
infección tanto para el paciente como para el equipo odontológico
que las realice. Han sido planteados diferentes conceptos acerca de
las fracturas maxilares su etiología, diagnóstico, su clasificación y
tratamiento; entre los cuales se encuentra el tratamiento quirúrgico,
se describió el manejo del instrumental que se utiliza en el mismo, su
esterilización y empaque. Objetivo: Establecer los factores a tomar
en cuenta en el correcto manejo del instrumental a utilizar en
pacientes con fracturas maxilares De esta forma este trabajo ha sido
diseñado de forma No Experimental, basado en los métodos teóricos
inductivo, analítico y sintético. Los tipos de investigación que han
sido aplicados son: descriptivo, documental, correlacional,
explicativos. Conclusiones: La esterilización y el correcto uso de los
instrumentales en cirugía deben ser estrictamente realizados y
controlados, de la misma manera se debe utilizar los materiales
necesarios para realizar los mismos y así evitar las infecciones que
pueden presentarse. El manejo del instrumental empleado en la
clínica odontológica constituye un factor de riesgo para la
exposición a los diversos tipos de agentes mencionados, por lo cual,
es importante recalcar que en esta profesión deben cumplirse los
mismos métodos de esterilización y asepsia que para los
instrumentales de uso odontológico.
Surgical treatment of maxillofacial fractures is basically a matter graduate, however it is important that the general dentist and History students learn the proper handling of instruments used during the surgical treatment of these fractures, to prevent infection problems for both the patient and the dental team that performed. They have been raised about the different concepts jaw fractures etiology, diagnosis, classification and treatment; among which is the surgical treatment, handling of instruments used therein, sterilization and packaging are described. Objective: To establish the factors to be considered in the proper handling of instruments to be used in patients with jaw fractures Thus this work has been designed so Experimental No, based on inductive, analytic and synthetic theoretical methods. The types of research that have been applied are: descriptive, documentary, correlational, explanatory. Conclusion: The sterilization and the proper use of instrumental surgery should be strictly carried out and controlled in the same way to use the materials needed to make them and prevent infections that may occur. The handling of instruments used in the dental clinic is a risk factor for exposure to the various types of such agents, so it is important to emphasize that in this profession the same methods of sterilization and aseptic that must be met for instrumentals dental use.
Surgical treatment of maxillofacial fractures is basically a matter graduate, however it is important that the general dentist and History students learn the proper handling of instruments used during the surgical treatment of these fractures, to prevent infection problems for both the patient and the dental team that performed. They have been raised about the different concepts jaw fractures etiology, diagnosis, classification and treatment; among which is the surgical treatment, handling of instruments used therein, sterilization and packaging are described. Objective: To establish the factors to be considered in the proper handling of instruments to be used in patients with jaw fractures Thus this work has been designed so Experimental No, based on inductive, analytic and synthetic theoretical methods. The types of research that have been applied are: descriptive, documentary, correlational, explanatory. Conclusion: The sterilization and the proper use of instrumental surgery should be strictly carried out and controlled in the same way to use the materials needed to make them and prevent infections that may occur. The handling of instruments used in the dental clinic is a risk factor for exposure to the various types of such agents, so it is important to emphasize that in this profession the same methods of sterilization and aseptic that must be met for instrumentals dental use.
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