Protocolo de higiene oral para pacientes portadores de prótesis parcial removible
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad Piloto de Odontología
En el presente trabajo se tiene como objetivo la importancia del protocolo de higiene oral y consecuencia de la falta de higiene en pacientes portadores de prótesis parcial removible. La falta de una prótesis puede llevar a la pérdida de la dimensión vertical o alteración del ATM. El mayor problema que presentan las personas no solo los adultos mayores si no personas jóvenes es la pérdida de piezas dentales pero con mayor frecuencia se observa en el adulto mayor. El problema de higiene oral se complica en el paciente con prótesis parcial removible debido que al colocarse la misma en cavidad bucal sobre los dientes naturales remanentes crea espacios y hendiduras que constituyen zonas de acumulación de restos alimenticios y colonias de placa bacteriana lo cual dificulta la acción de autolimpieza que realizan los labios, carrillos y lengua si las substancias alimenticias se acumula, el resultado de no establecer un protocolo de higiene desencadena una serie de efectos como la inflamación de la encía marginal, recidiva de caries y descalcificación del esmalte bajo los ganchos de la prótesis; también se estudiara las condiciones que debe presentar la prótesis parcial removible para ayudar al mantenimiento de la higiene oral. Como conclusión se busca por medio del texto brindar información necesaria para instruir y concientizar al paciente portador de prótesis parcial metálica removible para evitar que se presenten enfermedades periodontales.
In the present work aims the importance of oral hygiene protocol and consequence of poor hygiene in patients with removable partial denture. The lack of a prosthesis can lead to loss of the vertical dimension or alteration of ATM. The biggest problem people have not only the elderly if not young people is the loss of teeth but most often seen in the elderly. The problem is compounded oral hygiene in patients with removable partial dentures because they put it in the mouth on the remaining natural teeth creates spaces and crevices that are areas of accumulation of food debris and plaque colonies which hinders the action performing self-cleaning lips, cheeks and tongue if foodstuffs accumulates, the result of not establishing a hygiene protocol triggers a series of effects such as swelling of the marginal gingiva, recurrent caries and decalcification of enamel under the hooks the prosthesis; the conditions that must submit a removable partial denture to help maintain oral hygiene are also considered. In conclusion searches through the text provide necessary information to educate and sensitize the patient with metal removable partial denture to prevent periodontal disease is present.
In the present work aims the importance of oral hygiene protocol and consequence of poor hygiene in patients with removable partial denture. The lack of a prosthesis can lead to loss of the vertical dimension or alteration of ATM. The biggest problem people have not only the elderly if not young people is the loss of teeth but most often seen in the elderly. The problem is compounded oral hygiene in patients with removable partial dentures because they put it in the mouth on the remaining natural teeth creates spaces and crevices that are areas of accumulation of food debris and plaque colonies which hinders the action performing self-cleaning lips, cheeks and tongue if foodstuffs accumulates, the result of not establishing a hygiene protocol triggers a series of effects such as swelling of the marginal gingiva, recurrent caries and decalcification of enamel under the hooks the prosthesis; the conditions that must submit a removable partial denture to help maintain oral hygiene are also considered. In conclusion searches through the text provide necessary information to educate and sensitize the patient with metal removable partial denture to prevent periodontal disease is present.
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