Frecuencia de la pre - eclampsia en pacientes primigestas, propuesta de prevención, Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Enrique Carlos Sotomayor
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Obstetricia
La Pre - eclampsia es un síndrome multisistémico de etiología desconocida que forma parte de un espectro de trastornos hipertensivos del embarazo, que constituyen una causa importante de muerte materna en el Ecuador y en la mayor parte de los países latinoamericanos.
En el mundo, la Pre - eclampsia complica alrededor de 10% de los embarazos de mujeres de los países en desarrollo, y una cifra ligeramente menor en los países industrializados. Cuando no se diagnostica oportunamente, o no se atiende en forma apropiada, puede evolucionar hacia las complicaciones, como el síndrome de HELLP y la eclampsia, lo que aumenta la morbilidad y mortalidad materna y perinatal.
El objetivo de esta investigación tiene como propósito servir de herramienta de apoyo en la toma de decisiones ante la embarazada en riesgo o con diagnóstico de Pre - eclampsia a los Obstetras que tienen la responsabilidad del cuidado y la atención de las mujeres embarazadas. Incluye su incidencia, principales factores de riesgos asociados a esta patología y el cumplimiento del manejo de estas pacientes según las normas del Ministerio de Salud Pública y de la Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil.
El material y métodos se basaron en un estudio de tipo Descriptivo Transversal. Los documentos en los que se basó a la recolección de datos se obtuvieron de las pacientes primigestas en Hospitalización y de la Historia Clínica de las pacientes primigestas con diagnóstico de Pre - eclampsia en el período establecido.
Los resultados se revisaron de las pacientes desde “Septiembre 2012 – Febrero 2013” se observó 163 casos (Cuadro N° 1).
Concluimos que la Pre - eclampsia ocupa una alta incidencia en el Hospital Gineco – Obstétrico “Enrique Carlos Sotomayor”, que está asociada a factores de riesgos como la primigravidez, y la falta de controles prenatales, y además que el cumplimiento de las normas de los Cuidados Obstétricos Neonatales Esenciales (CONE) y los Protocolos de la Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil – Hospital “Enrique Carlos Sotomayor” en el manejo de estas pacientes no se cumplió al 100% como lo indica del Ministerio de Salud Pública y las Normas de la Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil (Cuadro N° 14).
The Pre - eclampsia is a multisystem disorder of unknown etiology that is part of a spectrum of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, which are a major cause of maternal death in Ecuador and in most Latin American countries . In the world , the Pre - eclampsia complicates about 10 % of pregnancies of women from developing countries , and slightly lower in industrialized countries . When diagnosed early, or not treated properly, can progress to complications such as HELLP syndrome and eclampsia , which increases morbidity and maternal and perinatal mortality . The objective of this research is intended to serve as a tool to support decision making to the pregnant woman at risk or diagnosed with Pre - eclampsia to Obstetricians who have responsibility for the care and care of pregnant women . Includes incidence, key risk factors associated with this condition and compliance with the management of these patients according to the rules of the Ministry of Health and Welfare Board Guayaquil. The materials and methods were based on a study of Transversal Descriptive type . The documents on which was based on data collection were obtained from primiparous patients in hospitalization and medical history of patients diagnosed with Pre primigestas - eclampsia in the set period. The results were reviewed of patients from " September 2012 - February 2013 " was observed 163 cases ( Table 1 ) . We conclude that the Pre - eclampsia occupies a high incidence in the Hospital OB - Obstetrician " Enrique Carlos Sotomayor " , which is associated with risk factors such as primigravidez , and lack of prenatal care , and further that the compliance of the Essential Obstetric Care Neonatal (CONE ) and the Protocols of the Guayaquil Welfare Board - Hospital " Carlos Enrique Sotomayor " in the management of these patients was not met 100% as indicated by the Ministry of Public Health and the Rules of the Board Guayaquil Welfare ( Table 14 ) .
The Pre - eclampsia is a multisystem disorder of unknown etiology that is part of a spectrum of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, which are a major cause of maternal death in Ecuador and in most Latin American countries . In the world , the Pre - eclampsia complicates about 10 % of pregnancies of women from developing countries , and slightly lower in industrialized countries . When diagnosed early, or not treated properly, can progress to complications such as HELLP syndrome and eclampsia , which increases morbidity and maternal and perinatal mortality . The objective of this research is intended to serve as a tool to support decision making to the pregnant woman at risk or diagnosed with Pre - eclampsia to Obstetricians who have responsibility for the care and care of pregnant women . Includes incidence, key risk factors associated with this condition and compliance with the management of these patients according to the rules of the Ministry of Health and Welfare Board Guayaquil. The materials and methods were based on a study of Transversal Descriptive type . The documents on which was based on data collection were obtained from primiparous patients in hospitalization and medical history of patients diagnosed with Pre primigestas - eclampsia in the set period. The results were reviewed of patients from " September 2012 - February 2013 " was observed 163 cases ( Table 1 ) . We conclude that the Pre - eclampsia occupies a high incidence in the Hospital OB - Obstetrician " Enrique Carlos Sotomayor " , which is associated with risk factors such as primigravidez , and lack of prenatal care , and further that the compliance of the Essential Obstetric Care Neonatal (CONE ) and the Protocols of the Guayaquil Welfare Board - Hospital " Carlos Enrique Sotomayor " in the management of these patients was not met 100% as indicated by the Ministry of Public Health and the Rules of the Board Guayaquil Welfare ( Table 14 ) .
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