La literatura en el contexto universitario y sus estrategias de aprendizaje
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación.
El presente trabajo investigativo ha sido desarrollado para ser utilizado por
los estudiantes de la carrera de Comunicación Social de la Universidad
Estatal Península de Santa Elena, efectuando un análisis crítico en procura
de la formación del futuro ciudadano que pueda incorporarse
eficientemente a la sociedad y contribuya al desarrollo personal y social.
Los temas pretenden que el estudiante se identifique con la Literatura; las
estrategias propuestas buscan orientar el aprendizaje de los estudiantes y
ponerlos en práctica. Temas teóricos como el currículo de Lengua y
Literatura da la importancia de sus formas y maneras de llevar los métodos
y técnicas de donde se plantea un enfoque y conocimientos necesarios
para comprender y producir mensajes lingüísticos en distintas situaciones
de comunicación de los estudiantes, son uno de los varios temas que
ayudarán a conseguir un aprendizaje significativo. Es necesario interpretar
el proyecto con su respectiva propuesta, porque representa un material de
apoyo, motivación permanente en todo proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje,
además el estudiante se convertirá en una persona creativa, reflexiva. La
recolección de datos en base a una encuesta a los docentes, y estudiantes
me permite comprender los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje en
Literatura, sus falencias y fortalezas; y poder programar una propuesta
factible y coherente que supere las deficiencias y el desinterés detectados
ofreciendo a los docentes un diseño alternativo con estrategias dinámicas
que abran la oportunidad de iniciar al apasionante mundo de la creatividad
como un camino para desarrollar el sentido del análisis literario,
provocando en los estudiantes un despertar en el descubrimiento de
autores, y análisis, desarrollando en ellos una mejorada visión en su
cultura, la comunicación, la facultad de crear, de fundamentar su crítica,
importantísimos en la carrera de Comunicación Social, de ellos se
beneficiará la Universidad y la sociedad en la que ellos se desenvuelve.
This research work has been developed for use by students of Social Communication course at the State University of Santa Elena Peninsula, making a critical analysis in pursuit of the formation of future citizens that can be incorporated efficiently and contribute to society personal and social development. The topics are intended to identify the student with the literature, the proposed strategies aim to guide students´ learning and implementation. Theoretical issues such as language arts curriculum gives the importance of their ways and means to bring the methods and techniques which raises an approach and skills to understand and produce linguistic messages in different communication situations of students, is one of various subjects to help achieve meaningful learning. It is necessary to interpret their respective proposed project because it represents a support material, constant motivation throughout the teaching- learning process, as well as the student becomes a creative, thoughtful. Data collection based on a survey of teachers, and students allows me to understand the processes of teaching and learning in literature, their weaknesses and strengths, and to schedulea feasible and coherent proposal to overcome the deficiencies and lack of interest detected giving teachers with an alternative design proactive strategies that open the opportunity to begin the exciting world of creativity as a way in the to develop a sense of literary analysis, resulting in students an awakening in the discovery of literary analysis, resulting in students an awakening in the discovery of authors, and analysis, developing in them an enhanced insight into their culture, communication, the ability to create, to support its critical, very important in the career of Social Communication of the University will benefit them and society in which they operates.
This research work has been developed for use by students of Social Communication course at the State University of Santa Elena Peninsula, making a critical analysis in pursuit of the formation of future citizens that can be incorporated efficiently and contribute to society personal and social development. The topics are intended to identify the student with the literature, the proposed strategies aim to guide students´ learning and implementation. Theoretical issues such as language arts curriculum gives the importance of their ways and means to bring the methods and techniques which raises an approach and skills to understand and produce linguistic messages in different communication situations of students, is one of various subjects to help achieve meaningful learning. It is necessary to interpret their respective proposed project because it represents a support material, constant motivation throughout the teaching- learning process, as well as the student becomes a creative, thoughtful. Data collection based on a survey of teachers, and students allows me to understand the processes of teaching and learning in literature, their weaknesses and strengths, and to schedulea feasible and coherent proposal to overcome the deficiencies and lack of interest detected giving teachers with an alternative design proactive strategies that open the opportunity to begin the exciting world of creativity as a way in the to develop a sense of literary analysis, resulting in students an awakening in the discovery of literary analysis, resulting in students an awakening in the discovery of authors, and analysis, developing in them an enhanced insight into their culture, communication, the ability to create, to support its critical, very important in the career of Social Communication of the University will benefit them and society in which they operates.
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