Importancia de las matemáticas en el nuevo bachilleraro
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación.
El presente trabajo investigativo está basado en un estudio minucioso
por medio de técnicas de investigación del comportamiento de los
estudiantes y los docentes de la carrera de Informática Educativa,
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación e Idiomas de la Universidad
Estatal Península de Santa Elena, con respecto al proceso de
enseñanza aprendizaje de la materia de Matemática debido a lo
importante que es la asignatura en el mundo que vivimos porque,
abarcan todo lo que desempeñemos o realicemos a diario, en física nos
sirve para calcular la velocidad en la que un cuerpo se mueve, en
química para poder saber cosas, como que tan potente es cierto
reactivo y cuan más potente es que el otro, en tecnología para medir
capacidades y aprovechar al máximo la capacidad de un objeto, en
astronomía para calcular que tan lejos están los planetas, estrellas, etc.
Actualmente existe un sin número de inconvenientes con la captación
de conocimientos de los estudiantes, debido a la falta de estrategias
didácticas que logren la motivación e interés del estudiante por la
materia dada. Se constató cada falencia y necesidades tanto de los
docentes como de los educandos, como la carencia de capacitaciones,
la aplicación de estrategias en la enseñanza de la materia, la
predisposición para recibir capacitaciones continuas los docentes,
promover el interés y motivación en los estudiantes, todas estas
variables determinan la absoluta necesidad de aplicación de la
propuesta planteada. Se propone la creación de un Manual de
estrategias didácticas que permitan al docente desarrollar nuevas
técnicas y metodologías logrando la atención absoluta de los
estudiantes, dando paso a la excelencia en el aprendizaje y creando una
aceptación inmediata del estudio de la Matemática. En procura de la
formación del futuro ciudadano que pueda incorporarse eficientemente
a la sociedad y contribuya al desarrollo personal y social.
The following investigative thesis is based in a very meticulous study, through research methods of the behavior of students and teachers from the Educational Computing Career, faculty of educational languages and science of “Universidad Estatal Peninsula de Santa Elena” and in connection with the process of teaching and learning of the mathematics subject. This is the reason this subject is very important in the world we live because it holds our everyday activities, for example in physics it helps us to calculate if a body moves from one place to another, in chemistry to know how powerful is a reactive force, in technology to take advantage of a capacity of an object, in astrology to study how far is a star, planets, etc. Nowadays there are a lot of learning issues of the students because of the lack of didactic strategies that accomplished interest and motivation of the student in the mentioned subject. Every flaw and need was appreciated from the students and the teachers, and also the lack of training, subject’s learning strategies applications, teacher’s predisposition to receive steady training, promoting the interest and motivation of the students. All these variables determine the need to apply the proposed overture. It is proposed the creation of a didactic strategies manual that allowed the development of new methodologies and techniques, achieving absolute attention from the students, giving way to excellence in learning procedures and creating immediate acceptance in mathematics. Searching future’s citizen formation who can incorporate efficiently towards society and in contribution with social and personal development.
The following investigative thesis is based in a very meticulous study, through research methods of the behavior of students and teachers from the Educational Computing Career, faculty of educational languages and science of “Universidad Estatal Peninsula de Santa Elena” and in connection with the process of teaching and learning of the mathematics subject. This is the reason this subject is very important in the world we live because it holds our everyday activities, for example in physics it helps us to calculate if a body moves from one place to another, in chemistry to know how powerful is a reactive force, in technology to take advantage of a capacity of an object, in astrology to study how far is a star, planets, etc. Nowadays there are a lot of learning issues of the students because of the lack of didactic strategies that accomplished interest and motivation of the student in the mentioned subject. Every flaw and need was appreciated from the students and the teachers, and also the lack of training, subject’s learning strategies applications, teacher’s predisposition to receive steady training, promoting the interest and motivation of the students. All these variables determine the need to apply the proposed overture. It is proposed the creation of a didactic strategies manual that allowed the development of new methodologies and techniques, achieving absolute attention from the students, giving way to excellence in learning procedures and creating immediate acceptance in mathematics. Searching future’s citizen formation who can incorporate efficiently towards society and in contribution with social and personal development.
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