Los procesos de formación investigativa para la preparación profesional de los estudiantes de medicina en la Universidad Católica de Guayaquil año 2012
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación.
El profesional de la salud y específicamente el médico, ante cada paciente que
acude en busca de su ayuda para aliviar sus diversas dolencias desde que
comienza su interrogatorio, está estrechamente vinculado al proceso de
investigación. Este proceso de investigación requiere de preparación, de contar con
conocimientos precisos de la especialidad que ejerce y de una organización del
pensamiento, apoyado en un conjunto de acciones que permiten la determinación
del tema: “Los procesos de formación Investigativa para la preparación profesional
de los estudiantes de Medicina de la Universidad Católica de Guayaquil en el año
2012. Propuesta: Estrategias para el mejoramiento de la calidad investigativa”, en la
que se planteó como problemática: La manera, que la formación en Investigación
incide en la preparación profesional de los estudiantes de la Carrera de Medicina de
la Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil. Teniendo como objetivo general el
determinar procesos de investigación que se usan en la formación de los médicos en
la carrera de Medicina de la Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil.
Manejándose como Variable Independiente -Los procesos para la formación en
Investigación-.y, Variable Dependiente la -Preparación profesional de los estudiantes
de la Carrera de Medicina-. Refiriendo en la fundamentación teórica conceptos que
comprende la investigación. Dentro de la modalidad de proyecto factible apoyado en
una investigación de campo de carácter descriptivo se ubicó la investigación. De la
población perteneciente a la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Católica
Santiago de Guayaquil, constituida por directivos, docentes y estudiantes; se extrajo
una muestra de 302 informantes a quienes se entrevistó y/o encuestó aplicándoles
un cuestionario, el mismo que fue validado por tres Profesores de Posgrado. Del
estudio se concluyó que la propuesta posee potencialidades de aplicación práctica,
sustentadas en los criterios de los expertos seleccionados, quienes expresaron que
los instrumentos atienden a los elementos básicos que deben caracterizar los
procesos para la formación en Investigación a los estudiantes de Medicina en su
preparación profesional. La investigación expresa el modo de alcanzar determinado
conocimiento siguiendo un camino de forma sistemática, organizada y con métodos
propios de la especialidad. Es una actividad inseparable de la operación mental que
realiza el profesional para abordar un problema de salud y encontrarle su respuesta,
en un acercamiento al proceso de investigación científica, ante la necesidad de dar
solución a los problemas de salud de la población, encontrar vías de curación, de
prevención de enfermedades y de educación de la comunidad.
The healthcare and specifically the doctor, to every patient who comes looking for your help to relieve various ailments since he began his interrogation, is closely linked to the research process. This research process requires preparation, to have accurate knowledge of the specialty and exerted an organization of thought, supported by a set of actions that allow the determination of the issue: "The processes of research training for professional preparation medical students of the Catholic University of Guayaquil in 2012. Proposal: Strategies for improving the quality of research ", which was raised as problematic: The way that affects research training in the professional preparation of students of the School of Medicine of the Catholic University of Guayaquil. Aiming to determine overall research processes used in the training of doctors in the School of Medicine of the Catholic University of Guayaquil. Independent Variable-handling itself as processes for research training-.Y, dependent variable-professional preparation of students of the School of Medicine. Referring to the theoretical concepts including research. Within the category of feasible project supported field research descriptive research was located. Of the population belonging to the Faculty of Medicine of the Catholic University of Guayaquil, consisting of principals, teachers and students; extracted a sample of 302 respondents who were interviewed and / or surveyed by applying a questionnaire, it was validated by three Graduate Teachers. The study concluded that the proposal has potential practical application, supported by the criteria of the selected experts, who said that the instruments serve the basic elements that should characterize the processes for research training to medical students in their preparation professional. The research found the way to achieve certain knowledge following a way of systematically organized and methods in the field. It is an activity inseparable from the mental operation performed by the professional to address a health problem and find your answer in an approach to the process of scientific inquiry, given the need to solve the health problems of the population, to find ways of healing, disease prevention and community education.
The healthcare and specifically the doctor, to every patient who comes looking for your help to relieve various ailments since he began his interrogation, is closely linked to the research process. This research process requires preparation, to have accurate knowledge of the specialty and exerted an organization of thought, supported by a set of actions that allow the determination of the issue: "The processes of research training for professional preparation medical students of the Catholic University of Guayaquil in 2012. Proposal: Strategies for improving the quality of research ", which was raised as problematic: The way that affects research training in the professional preparation of students of the School of Medicine of the Catholic University of Guayaquil. Aiming to determine overall research processes used in the training of doctors in the School of Medicine of the Catholic University of Guayaquil. Independent Variable-handling itself as processes for research training-.Y, dependent variable-professional preparation of students of the School of Medicine. Referring to the theoretical concepts including research. Within the category of feasible project supported field research descriptive research was located. Of the population belonging to the Faculty of Medicine of the Catholic University of Guayaquil, consisting of principals, teachers and students; extracted a sample of 302 respondents who were interviewed and / or surveyed by applying a questionnaire, it was validated by three Graduate Teachers. The study concluded that the proposal has potential practical application, supported by the criteria of the selected experts, who said that the instruments serve the basic elements that should characterize the processes for research training to medical students in their preparation professional. The research found the way to achieve certain knowledge following a way of systematically organized and methods in the field. It is an activity inseparable from the mental operation performed by the professional to address a health problem and find your answer in an approach to the process of scientific inquiry, given the need to solve the health problems of the population, to find ways of healing, disease prevention and community education.
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