Análisis en los habiatantes del sector de Guayacanes de la ciudad de Guayaquil en cuanto al cuidado de los animales para la creación de una campaña de concientización
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Comunicación Social.
Este proyecto basado en una ayuda social que beneficiara en diferentes aspectos, tanto en salud, higiene, cuidados y cambios conductuales. Campaña de capacitación para el cuidado correcto de los animales domésticos especializado en perros y gatos. Llamado “tu mascota vale”. Partiendo de la falta de interés en las personas que poseen mascotas al cuidado correcto de las mismas, nació “tu mascota vale” programa de campañas de concientización para el cuidado correcto de ellas, en contra del maltrato animal; focalizado en la higiene, atención medica, dedicación, cariño y compromiso de los amos, utilizando agentes socializadores para la ejecución con la ayuda de organizaciones como Rescate Animal. Se promoverá propuestas de comunicación con las personas que están en capacidad de poder mantener mascotas y las que deseen mantener mascotas, las campañas se realizaran al aire libre en los parques de la ciudadela Guayacanes situada al norte de la urbe. En estos eventos van a ser distribuidos volantes y pegatinas, habrán obras de teatros compartiendo mensajes de ética animal. Existirá un stand de adopción de animales otorgándoles un collar de mascotas a las personas que firmen el acta de cuidados y cariño para el nuevo miembro del hogar. Con el objetivo de establecer la idea de cuidar a las mascotas en casa es una vía para erradicar el maltrato animal, entonces si se vacuna, esteriliza. Se controla los partos y crías de las hembras en un futuro no serán canes o felinos callejeros. A continuación se dará a conocer como la investigación se despliega a lo largo de los capítulos; desde los animales sin hogar hasta las enfermedades que padecen y son muy peligrosas como para el ser humano también. Y así para tener una ciudad sin este problema, nada mejora que como punto de partida una ciudadela sin perros callejeros.
This project is based on a social assistance benefit in many different aspects, health, hygiene, care and behavioral changes. Due to a training campaign for the proper care of pets specializing in dogs and cats. Called "your pet goes." Based on recent news stories about animal abuse but the lack of interest in the people who own pets to the proper care of them, born "your pet goes' program awareness campaigns for the proper care of them, against the abuse animal focused on hygiene, medical care, dedication, love and commitment of the masters, using socializing agents for execution with the help of organizations such as Animal Rescue. Proposals will be encouraged to communicate with the people who are able to keep pets and who wish to keep pets, the campaigns were held outdoors in parks Guayacanes citadel north of the city. These events will be distributed flyers and stickers, theater works have messages to share animal ethics. There will be a booth giving animal adoption pet collar people to sign the minutes of care and affection for the new household member. In order to establish the idea of caring for pets at home is a means to eradicate mistreatment of animals, so if you are vaccinated, sterilized. Controlled deliveries and female offspring in the future will not stray dogs or cats. Here will be released as the investigation unfolds through chapters, from the homeless animals until their diseases and are very dangerous to humans as well. And so to have a city without this, nothing better starting point than a citadel without stray dogs.
This project is based on a social assistance benefit in many different aspects, health, hygiene, care and behavioral changes. Due to a training campaign for the proper care of pets specializing in dogs and cats. Called "your pet goes." Based on recent news stories about animal abuse but the lack of interest in the people who own pets to the proper care of them, born "your pet goes' program awareness campaigns for the proper care of them, against the abuse animal focused on hygiene, medical care, dedication, love and commitment of the masters, using socializing agents for execution with the help of organizations such as Animal Rescue. Proposals will be encouraged to communicate with the people who are able to keep pets and who wish to keep pets, the campaigns were held outdoors in parks Guayacanes citadel north of the city. These events will be distributed flyers and stickers, theater works have messages to share animal ethics. There will be a booth giving animal adoption pet collar people to sign the minutes of care and affection for the new household member. In order to establish the idea of caring for pets at home is a means to eradicate mistreatment of animals, so if you are vaccinated, sterilized. Controlled deliveries and female offspring in the future will not stray dogs or cats. Here will be released as the investigation unfolds through chapters, from the homeless animals until their diseases and are very dangerous to humans as well. And so to have a city without this, nothing better starting point than a citadel without stray dogs.
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