Determinación del cuidado de niños con síndrome de down en la ciudad de Guayaquil con la propuesta de la creación de un espacio televisivo en el programa de casa en casa
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Comunicación Social.
El propósito de este trabajo de investigación es observar, identificar evaluar e implementar un espacio televisivo que instruya a padres de familia en el cuidado, desarrollo y educación de niños con Síndrome de Down para su inserción en la sociedad. Ya que estos niños necesitan de un cuidado especial y en vista de que muchos padres carecen de los recursos económicos y conocimientos acerca de estos cuidados, se realizara la creación de un segmento que tratara acerca de terapias, ejercicios, métodos de aprendizaje que se llevará a cabo en el programa de Casa en Casa; el cual es idóneo para este proyecto debido al contenido dirigido al público en general y de acuerdo a las encuestas es uno de los programas más visto. Nuestro marco teórico profundizara que el Síndrome de Down es una mal formación congénita causada por una alteración del cromosoma 21 que se acompaña de retraso mental leve, moderado o grave, en el desarrollo de este proyecto veremos cuán importante es este tema porque nuestra investigación específica detallara su origen, causas, tratamientos y sugerencia para su prevención. Las herramientas que utilizaremos serán la encuesta a los guayaquileños que nos ayudara en el proceso e investigación a realizar. Los miembros de la comunidad serán los beneficiarios ya que uno de cada diez hogares posee entre sus integrantes un infante con Síndrome De Down, nuestro espacio llamara la atención a todos los ciudadanos que en su casa presentan este caso, así dicha comunidad se instruirá sobre esta y tenga los debidos cuidados con estos niños a quienes llamamos especiales, ya que de nosotros dependen sus vidas. En muchas situaciones hay quienes no saben cómo enfrentar una situación así, pero además de enseñarles cómo cuidarlos les daremos una orientación necesaria para mirar y tomar las cosas de una manera positiva.
The purpose of this research is to observe, identify, evaluate and implement a television to instruct parents in the care, development and education of children with Down syndrome for their integration in society. Because these children need special care and given that many parents lack the financial resources and knowledge of such care, undertake the creation of a segment be addressed in therapy, exercises, learning methods that will be place in the House at Home program, which is ideal for this project because the content for the general public and according to surveys is one of the most seen. Deepen our theoretical framework that Down syndrome is a congenital malformation caused by an alteration of chromosome 21 that is associated with mild mental retardation, moderate or severe in developing this project we will see how important this issue because our investigation detailing specific its origin, causes, treatments and suggestions for prevention. The tools you will use the survey to help us Guayaquil in the process and work to be done. Members of the community will be the beneficiaries and that one in ten households have among its members an infant with Down Syndrome, our space to call attention to all citizens at home have this case and the community are informed about this and take proper care to these special children who call, since their lives depend on us. In many situations there are those who do not know how to handle a situation, but also to teach them how to care we will give necessary guidance to look at and take things in a positive way.
The purpose of this research is to observe, identify, evaluate and implement a television to instruct parents in the care, development and education of children with Down syndrome for their integration in society. Because these children need special care and given that many parents lack the financial resources and knowledge of such care, undertake the creation of a segment be addressed in therapy, exercises, learning methods that will be place in the House at Home program, which is ideal for this project because the content for the general public and according to surveys is one of the most seen. Deepen our theoretical framework that Down syndrome is a congenital malformation caused by an alteration of chromosome 21 that is associated with mild mental retardation, moderate or severe in developing this project we will see how important this issue because our investigation detailing specific its origin, causes, treatments and suggestions for prevention. The tools you will use the survey to help us Guayaquil in the process and work to be done. Members of the community will be the beneficiaries and that one in ten households have among its members an infant with Down Syndrome, our space to call attention to all citizens at home have this case and the community are informed about this and take proper care to these special children who call, since their lives depend on us. In many situations there are those who do not know how to handle a situation, but also to teach them how to care we will give necessary guidance to look at and take things in a positive way.
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