Perfil de ingreso y manejo de las tics para estudiantes de la Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación en la carrera de Sistemas Multimedia de la Universidad de Guayaquil año 2012
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación.
El proyecto de investigación trata acerca del perfil de Ingreso y manejo de
las TICs, específicamente a los estudiantes de la carrera de Sistemas
Multimedia. El objetivo principal del proyecto es mejorar el nivel de
conocimiento de los estudiantes que cursan hasta el primer año en el
manejo de las TICs, a través de la propuesta de un diseño de una guía
didáctica sobre el manejo de Tecnología de Información y comunicación.
Dentro de los problemas que se han identificado está, el bajo rendimiento
académico en los cursos de computación y desconocimiento de las
tecnologías y sistemas de comunicación actuales. El marco teórico del
proyecto está basado en la teoría del constructivismo que nos dice que el
conocimiento es una construcción por parte del sujeto y la realidad, tal
como la entendemos no existe eternamente, no está dada, pues el
hombre la construye. En el marco metodológico se incluye la investigación
por medio de encuestas y la respectiva bibliografía para encontrar la
factibilidad del proyecto, basándose en un adecuado empleo de la
andragógia. En el proyecto de investigación se establece una población
de 110 estudiantes, 5 docentes y 1 director dando un total de 116
encuestados. El tema investigado es importante, ya que aporta a
fundamentar mayores conocimientos a los estudiantes y que ellos puedan
aplicarlos en su vida estudiantil, y posteriormente cuando sean
profesionales. Dentro del marco administrativo, este proyecto incluye
todos los recursos, el presupuesto y el tiempo reflejado en un cronograma
estricto a seguir. Como beneficiarios estarían los estudiantes, la Facultad
de Filosofía Letras y Ciencias de la Educación.
The research project deals with the income profile and management of ICT students specifically to race Multimedia Systems. The project's main objective is to improve the knowledge level of the students who attend to the first year in the management of ICT, through a proposed design of a tutorial on managing information and communication technology. Among the problems that have been identified is the poor academic performance in computer courses and lack of technology and modern communication systems. The theoretical framework of the project is based on constructivist theory tells us that knowledge is a construction by the subject and reality as we understand it there forever, is not given, for man builds. In the methodological framework include research through surveys and the respective literature to find the feasibility of the project, based on an appropriate use of andragogy. In the research project establishing a population of 110 students, five teachers, and 1 director for a total of 116 respondents. The research topic is important as it provides a greater knowledge base to students and that they can apply in their student life and then they are professionals. Within the administrative framework, this project includes all resources, budget and time reflected in a strict schedule to follow. As beneficiaries would be students, the School of Letters and Sciences Philosophy of Education
The research project deals with the income profile and management of ICT students specifically to race Multimedia Systems. The project's main objective is to improve the knowledge level of the students who attend to the first year in the management of ICT, through a proposed design of a tutorial on managing information and communication technology. Among the problems that have been identified is the poor academic performance in computer courses and lack of technology and modern communication systems. The theoretical framework of the project is based on constructivist theory tells us that knowledge is a construction by the subject and reality as we understand it there forever, is not given, for man builds. In the methodological framework include research through surveys and the respective literature to find the feasibility of the project, based on an appropriate use of andragogy. In the research project establishing a population of 110 students, five teachers, and 1 director for a total of 116 respondents. The research topic is important as it provides a greater knowledge base to students and that they can apply in their student life and then they are professionals. Within the administrative framework, this project includes all resources, budget and time reflected in a strict schedule to follow. As beneficiaries would be students, the School of Letters and Sciences Philosophy of Education
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