Analisis de factores que generan la productividad minera de materiales petreos en Esmeraldas a través del cambio de matriz
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Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas
La importancia de la presente investigación fue analizar los factores que generan la productividad minera de materiales pétreos en Esmeraldas a través del cambio de Matriz Productiva, para lo cual la población en objeto de estudio fueron las empresas mineras dedicadas a la extracción y comercialización de materiales pétreos para la construcción, ubicadas en la provincia de Esmeraldas. El objetivo principal fue determinar qué factores inducen a la mejora de la productividad en el sector minero como establece el cambio de la matriz productiva. La investigación fue realizada con un enfoque cuali-cuantitativo y de modalidad de campo, de tipo exploratoria y descriptivo. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron 2 tipos de encuestas: una encuesta dirigida a los dueños y técnicos mineros con 18 preguntas de opciones múltiples y otra encuesta dirigida a los trabajadores con 11 preguntas de opciones múltiples. La hipótesis fue aceptada considerando los resultados obtenidos, donde se evidencia que las empresas del sector minero asumen con responsabilidad los cambios propuestos en la matriz productiva, por lo tanto estos sectores son beneficiados logrando aportar al desarrollo socioeconómico de la ciudad de Esmeraldas.
The importance of the present investigation was to analyze the factors that generate the mining productivity of stony materials in Esmeraldas through the change of Productive Matrix, for whom the mining companies, related with extraction and commercialization of stony material for construction purposes located in the province of Esmeraldas, were studied. The main objective was to determine what factors would improve productivity in the mining sector as it is established in the change of the productive matrix. The research was done with a qualitative-quantitative type and field-type approach, and also, exploratory and descriptive type. The instruments used were 2 types of surveys: a survey focused on the owners and mining technicians with 18 multiple choice questions and another survey focused on mining workers with 11 multiple choice questions. The hypothesis was accepted considering the results obtained, where it is evident that the companies of the mining sector assume with responsibility the proposed changes in the productive matrix, therefore these sectors are benefited thus, contributing to the socioeconomic development of Esmeraldas city.
The importance of the present investigation was to analyze the factors that generate the mining productivity of stony materials in Esmeraldas through the change of Productive Matrix, for whom the mining companies, related with extraction and commercialization of stony material for construction purposes located in the province of Esmeraldas, were studied. The main objective was to determine what factors would improve productivity in the mining sector as it is established in the change of the productive matrix. The research was done with a qualitative-quantitative type and field-type approach, and also, exploratory and descriptive type. The instruments used were 2 types of surveys: a survey focused on the owners and mining technicians with 18 multiple choice questions and another survey focused on mining workers with 11 multiple choice questions. The hypothesis was accepted considering the results obtained, where it is evident that the companies of the mining sector assume with responsibility the proposed changes in the productive matrix, therefore these sectors are benefited thus, contributing to the socioeconomic development of Esmeraldas city.
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