Como afectan los terceros molares en el tratamiento de ortodoncia
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad Piloto de Odontología. Escuela de Postgrado "Dr. José Apolo Pineda"
Una de las inquietudes de los odontólogos, principalmente de los Especialistas en Ortodoncia y Cirugía Oral, es saber cuándo es necesario extraer los terceros molares o dejarlos para que erupcionen completamente con éxito.
Este trabajo pretende establecer sobre radiografías panorámicas, un método predictivo que nos permita tomar la decisión correcta.
La cirugía de los terceros molares (muelas cordales o muelas del juicio), es quizás el procedimiento quirúrgico más frecuente que se realiza en la práctica de la odontología.
Cualquier diente puede sufrir la interrupción de su proceso eruptivo, provocando su retención parcial o total dentro de los procesos maxilares.
Los terceros molares son los dientes que con más
frecuencia sufren el fracaso de su erupción ya sea por causas mecánicas, embriológicas o generales.
Dado que la incidencia real de patología asociada con los terceros molares retenidos no es tan elevada, lo aconsejable es adoptar una actitud expectante, con controles periódicos, de los molares retenidos asintomáticos , procediendo a la exodoncia preventiva solo en algunas circunstancias.
Por ser las últimas piezas en erupcionar, frecuente mente no tienen espacio para acomodarse dentro del arco dental, quedando en una posición de retención parcial dentro del hueso, induciendo a infecciones importantes y a caries en las piezas vecinas.
Debido a su ubicación posterior al resto de las piezas dentales tiene poca o ninguna importancia en la función masticatoria, por lo tanto su presencia es
Finalmente es la pieza dental que más se relaciona con el desarrollo de patologías graves de los maxilares como son los quistes,
A concern of dentists, mainly of the specialists in orthodontics and Oral surgery, is to know when it is needed to extract the third molars or when to leave them to be erupcionen completely successfully. This work is intended to establish on panoramic radiographs, a predictive method that allows us to make the right decision. The third molars surgery (cordales molars or wisdom teeth), is perhaps the most common surgical procedure carried out in the practice of the odontología. Any tooth may suffer the interruption of its eruptive, causing partial or total retention within the maxillary processes.The third molars are the teeth most frequently suffer from the failure of its eruption either for General or causes mechanical, embriológicas. Given that the actual incidence of pathology associated with retained molar third parties is not as high, suitable is to adopt an expectant attitude, with regular checks, asymptomatic retained molar, carryingout the preventive extraction only in some circumstances. As the latest thought pieces, often do not have space to accommodate within the dental arch, being in a position of partial retention into the bone, inducing major infections and decay in the neighboring pieces. Due to its location back to the rest of the teeth has little or no importance in the occlusal function, so its presence is unnecessary. Finally is the tooth that relates more to the develop ment of pathologies severe Maxillary cysts , tumors and resorption of teeth.
A concern of dentists, mainly of the specialists in orthodontics and Oral surgery, is to know when it is needed to extract the third molars or when to leave them to be erupcionen completely successfully. This work is intended to establish on panoramic radiographs, a predictive method that allows us to make the right decision. The third molars surgery (cordales molars or wisdom teeth), is perhaps the most common surgical procedure carried out in the practice of the odontología. Any tooth may suffer the interruption of its eruptive, causing partial or total retention within the maxillary processes.The third molars are the teeth most frequently suffer from the failure of its eruption either for General or causes mechanical, embriológicas. Given that the actual incidence of pathology associated with retained molar third parties is not as high, suitable is to adopt an expectant attitude, with regular checks, asymptomatic retained molar, carryingout the preventive extraction only in some circumstances. As the latest thought pieces, often do not have space to accommodate within the dental arch, being in a position of partial retention into the bone, inducing major infections and decay in the neighboring pieces. Due to its location back to the rest of the teeth has little or no importance in the occlusal function, so its presence is unnecessary. Finally is the tooth that relates more to the develop ment of pathologies severe Maxillary cysts , tumors and resorption of teeth.
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