Las remesas y su incidencia en la economía ecuatoriana 2006-2010
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Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
En los últimos años las remesas han adquirido una importancia cada vez
mayor como fuente de ingresos para el Ecuador, en el presente trabajo se
analizó el impacto que tienen en la economía nacional, las remesas que
los emigrantes ecuatorianos envían al país durante el período
comprendido entre los años 2006 y 2010. El presente trabajo está
dividido en tres partes, en la primera se realizó un repaso por las
principales teorías migratorias y sobre los conceptos y teorías de las
remesas, además se hizo una reseña del fenómeno migratorio en el
Ecuador en los últimos años. En la segunda parte se procedió a
determinar cuáles son las características del flujo de remesas en este país,
identificando las características de los emisores y receptores de remesas,
los ingresos que el país recibe anualmente por este concepto, los países
de origen, así como las principales ciudades receptoras de estos flujos de
dinero. Finalmente en la tercera parte de este trabajo se realizó un análisis
comparativo entre el peso de las remesas, el ingreso nacional y los
principales ingresos de divisas que tiene el país, como son las
exportaciones y la inversión extranjera directa, se analizó el impacto que
las remesas han tenido en la economía nacional en variables como la
inflación, el ingreso familiar, la pobreza y el mercado laboral. Igualmente
se analizó el impacto de estas en los hogares ecuatorianos y el uso
principal que estos dan a las remesas, determinándose que,
mayoritariamente se utilizan en gastos de consumo primario, como
alimentación, ropa, salud y educación y muy poco es el porcentaje
destinado a la inversión a largo plazo.
In recent years, remittances have become increasingly important largest source of revenue for Ecuador , in the present work analyzed the impact on the national economy , remittances Ecuadorian emigrants sent home during the period between 2006 and 2010. The present work is divided into three sections: the first reviews was by the main migration theories and concepts and theories remittances , plus a review of migration was done in the Ecuador in recent years . In the second part we proceeded to determine what are the characteristics of remittance flows in this country, identifying the characteristics of the senders and receivers of remittances, the revenues the country receives annually by this concept , countries of origin, and the main host cities of these flows money. Finally in the third part of this paper an analysis was performed Comparison between the weight of remittances , national income and main foreign exchange earnings that the country , such as exports and foreign direct investment , which analyzed the impact remittances have played in the national economy variables as inflation , family income , poverty and the labor market. equally the impact of these in Ecuadorian households and analyzed using principal that give remittances , concluding that , mainly used in primary consumption expenditure as food, clothing , health and education and very little is the percentage intended for long-term investment
In recent years, remittances have become increasingly important largest source of revenue for Ecuador , in the present work analyzed the impact on the national economy , remittances Ecuadorian emigrants sent home during the period between 2006 and 2010. The present work is divided into three sections: the first reviews was by the main migration theories and concepts and theories remittances , plus a review of migration was done in the Ecuador in recent years . In the second part we proceeded to determine what are the characteristics of remittance flows in this country, identifying the characteristics of the senders and receivers of remittances, the revenues the country receives annually by this concept , countries of origin, and the main host cities of these flows money. Finally in the third part of this paper an analysis was performed Comparison between the weight of remittances , national income and main foreign exchange earnings that the country , such as exports and foreign direct investment , which analyzed the impact remittances have played in the national economy variables as inflation , family income , poverty and the labor market. equally the impact of these in Ecuadorian households and analyzed using principal that give remittances , concluding that , mainly used in primary consumption expenditure as food, clothing , health and education and very little is the percentage intended for long-term investment
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