Prevalencia de la tentativa de suicidio como tercer diagnóstico de ingreso en el Servicio de Psiquiatría del Hospital Regional del IESS Dr. Teodoro Maldonado Carbo 2000-2009
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Graduados
El incremento de los casos de conducta suicida en el mundo ha despertado la preocupación de las entidades de salud. En Ecuador las cifras son contradictorias y estarían revelando subregistro evitando tener una idea de la verdadera frecuencia de la tentativa de suicidio. Para instituciones como el hospital Regional 2 del IESS “Dr. Teodoro Maldonado Carbo” donde existe un Servicio de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental, esta falta de información dificulta la concientización de las personas para que acudan a los servicios de psiquiatría ante eventos que pueden potencialmente materializarse en suicidio, también evita que el psiquiatra se familiarice con la patología y en este marco pase por alto el intento de suicidio como tercer diagnóstico. Con el objetivo de establecer la prevalencia de la tentativa de Suicidio en esta institución, se realizó un estudio de tipo observacional, exploratorio de diseño no experimental, transversal que incorporó 129 casos ingresados entre2000 y 2009. Para el tratamiento estadístico de los datos se utilizaron frecuencias y porcentajes. Los resultados mostraron que la tentativa de suicidio fue el tercer diagnóstico más frecuente de ingreso con el 11.9% de los casos, el 79% de los pacientes tenían menos de 50 años, la proporción de hombre y mujeres fue de 1:1. Por lo general, la población afectada pertenece a la clase socioeconómica baja (57%). Conviven con la familia en el 76% de los casos. La mayoría se encuentra laborando al momento del evento (91%). Generalmente tienen una relación con pareja fija. (55%) Gran parte tienen una instrucción secundaria (35%). Existe el antecedente de enfermedad psiquiátrica en el 22% Se informó de un intento de suicido previo en aproximadamente el11%, con un promedio de intentos de 2,1 ± 1 intentos. La historia de ingresos previos se reportó en el 11%. El34% tiene otra enfermedad psiquiátrica generalmente ansiedad (48%). El consumo de tóxicos fue reportado en el 7%, frecuentemente alcohol, (78%) La estancia hospitalaria en 67% de los casos fue de 8 a 14 días.
The increase in cases of suicidal behavior in the world has aroused the concern of health agencies. In Ecuador, the figures are contradictory and revealing underreporting would avoid having an idea of the true frequency of attempted suicide. For institutions such as the Teodoro Maldonado Hospital, where there is a of Psychiatry’ and Mental Health’s Department, this lack of information makes the awareness of people to attend psychiatric services to events that could potentially materialize in suicide, it also prevents the psychiatrist familiar with the pathology and in this framework overlooks the suicide attempt as a third diagnosis. In order to establish the prevalence of suicide attempts in this institution, a cross section study was conducted, incorporated 129 cases admitted between 2000 and 2009. For the statistical treatment of data were used frequencies and percentages. The results showed that attempted suicide represented the 11,9%, 79% of patients were younger than 50 years, the proportion of men and women was 1:1. Usually, the affected population belongs to the low socioeconomic class (57%). Living with the family in 76% of cases. Most are laboring at the time of the event (91%). They usually have a relationship with regular partner. (55%) have a lot of secondary education (35%). There is a history of psychiatric illness in 22% was reported prior suicide attempt at approximately EL11%, with an average of 2.1 ± 1 attempts. The history of previous admissions was reported in 11%. 34% have another psychiatric disorder anxiety generally (48%). Toxic consumption was reported in 7%, often alcohol (78%) hospital stay in 67% of cases was 8 to 14 days.
The increase in cases of suicidal behavior in the world has aroused the concern of health agencies. In Ecuador, the figures are contradictory and revealing underreporting would avoid having an idea of the true frequency of attempted suicide. For institutions such as the Teodoro Maldonado Hospital, where there is a of Psychiatry’ and Mental Health’s Department, this lack of information makes the awareness of people to attend psychiatric services to events that could potentially materialize in suicide, it also prevents the psychiatrist familiar with the pathology and in this framework overlooks the suicide attempt as a third diagnosis. In order to establish the prevalence of suicide attempts in this institution, a cross section study was conducted, incorporated 129 cases admitted between 2000 and 2009. For the statistical treatment of data were used frequencies and percentages. The results showed that attempted suicide represented the 11,9%, 79% of patients were younger than 50 years, the proportion of men and women was 1:1. Usually, the affected population belongs to the low socioeconomic class (57%). Living with the family in 76% of cases. Most are laboring at the time of the event (91%). They usually have a relationship with regular partner. (55%) have a lot of secondary education (35%). There is a history of psychiatric illness in 22% was reported prior suicide attempt at approximately EL11%, with an average of 2.1 ± 1 attempts. The history of previous admissions was reported in 11%. 34% have another psychiatric disorder anxiety generally (48%). Toxic consumption was reported in 7%, often alcohol (78%) hospital stay in 67% of cases was 8 to 14 days.
Palabras clave
Hospital de Especialidades Dr. Teodoro Maldonado Carbo, Cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador, Intento de suicidio, Servicio de Psiquiatría en Hospital, Prevalencia