Utilidad de la técnica de B-Lynch transoperatoria en gestantes con atonía uterina-Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Enrique C. Sotomayor 2009 - 2010.
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Unversidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Graduados
La atonía uterina representa el 75-90% de las hemorragias postparto, siendo la causa principal de histerectomía periparto cuando han fallado otras medidas conservadoras como el masaje uterino y la utilización de oxitócicos, prostaglandinas y ergóticos. La Técnica de B-Lynch es una sutura compresiva que se realiza en el cuerpo uterino con la finalidad de evitar la hemorragia postparto debido a la atonía uterina. Una de sus ventajas es su fácil aplicación y la posibilidad de conservar la fecundidad evitando la histerectomía o procedimientos complejos como la ligadura de las arterias iliacas. El objetivo del presente estudio fue establecer su utilidad en el manejo de atonía uterina, delineando las complicaciones asociadas a la misma y estableciendo la tasa de éxito y fracaso. Esta investigación de tipo descriptivo, correlacional y de diseño no experimental transversal se realizó en el Hospital Gineco-Obstetrico Enrique C Sotomayor de febrero 2009 a enero 2010. Los resultados comprobaron la eficacia de la Técnica de B-Lynch transoperatoria al preservar la integridad uterina, disminuyó la morbi-mortalidad materna y procedimientos quirúrgicos más complejos.
Uterine atony accounts for 75-90% of bleeding postpartum, being the main cause of Peripartum hysterectomy when they have failed other conservative measures such as the use of oxytocics and uterine massage, prostaglandins and ergóticos. The technique of B-Lynch is a compressive suture in the uterine body in order to avoid the PPH due to uterine atony. One of its advantages is its easy implementation and the possibility of preserving fertility avoiding hysterectomy or procedures more complex such as the iliac arteries ligation. The objective of this study will be to establish the usefulness of the B-Lynch technique in the management of uterine atony, delineating possible complications associated with it and by setting the rate of success and failure. This study will be of type descriptive, correlational and cross non-experimental design. The results will be linked to show whether it is technical in cases of uterine atony such utility to reduce maternal morbi-mortality, preserving fertility and avoid more complex surgical procedures.
Uterine atony accounts for 75-90% of bleeding postpartum, being the main cause of Peripartum hysterectomy when they have failed other conservative measures such as the use of oxytocics and uterine massage, prostaglandins and ergóticos. The technique of B-Lynch is a compressive suture in the uterine body in order to avoid the PPH due to uterine atony. One of its advantages is its easy implementation and the possibility of preserving fertility avoiding hysterectomy or procedures more complex such as the iliac arteries ligation. The objective of this study will be to establish the usefulness of the B-Lynch technique in the management of uterine atony, delineating possible complications associated with it and by setting the rate of success and failure. This study will be of type descriptive, correlational and cross non-experimental design. The results will be linked to show whether it is technical in cases of uterine atony such utility to reduce maternal morbi-mortality, preserving fertility and avoid more complex surgical procedures.
Palabras clave
Embarazo, Atonía uterina, Transoperatorio, Histerectomía, Técnica de B-Lynch, Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Enrique C. Sotomayor, Cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador