Análisis del sistema general de referencias arancelarias (SGP) y su incidencia en la evolución de las exportaciones ecuatorianas hacia la Unión Europea período 2010-2016
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Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
La presente investigación tiene como finalidad analizar la incidencia que tuvo el Sistema General de Preferencias Arancelarias en la evolución de las exportaciones ecuatorianas en el periodo 2010 al 2016. Para esto se recolectó datos de documentos, libros y artículos de periódico de instituciones nacionales e internacionales como Banco Central del Ecuador, PRO Ecuador, Ministerio de Comercio Exterior y FEDEXPOR, Ministerio de Comercio Exterior y Turismo de Perú, Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo de Colombia; que permitió analizar y realizar comparaciones de la posición de Ecuador con países como Colombia y Perú. En el primer capítulo se describió el origen, objetivos que abarcó el SGP; así como también los países que lo otorgan y los beneficiarios. También se da a conocer desde y hasta que fecha se mantuvo este sistema en Ecuador. En el segundo capítulo, se explicó los antecedentes y evolución del comercio en Ecuador; además del análisis y comparación de indicadores de comercio exterior de Ecuador, Colombia y Perú con la UE. En el tercer capítulo, se detalló las condiciones y temas más relevantes que se negociaron en el Acuerdo Comercial entre Ecuador y la UE; adicionalmente se realizó un breve análisis sobre este acuerdo. Al término de los tres capítulos de esta investigación se dio a conocer las conclusiones y recomendaciones para que Ecuador mejore su competitividad y que continúe innovando para diversificar la oferta exportable. Concluida la investigación se determina que el bloque europeo es de vital importancia ya que representa un mercado de 513 millones de consumidores y que a través del SGP las exportaciones ecuatorianas pudieron tener un ritmo estable de crecimiento. Adicionalmente se evidenció que el Acuerdo Comercial Multipartes está dando resultados positivos en tema de exportaciones ya que durante los seis primeros meses de este año aumentaron en un 20%.
The purpose of this research is to analyze the impact of the General System of Tariff Preferences on the evolution of Ecuadorian exports in the period from 2010 to 2016. For this, data was collected from documents, books and newspaper articles from national and international institutions such as Central Bank of Ecuador, PRO Ecuador, Ministry of Foreign Trade and FEDEXPOR, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Colombia; which allowed us to analyze and make comparisons of Ecuador's position with countries such as Colombia and Peru. In the first chapter the origin was described, objectives that covered the GSP; as well as the countries that grant it and the beneficiaries. It is also announced from and to date this system was maintained in Ecuador. In the second chapter, the background and evolution of trade in Ecuador was explained; besides the analysis and comparison of foreign trade indicators of Ecuador, Colombia and Peru with the EU. In the third chapter, the most relevant conditions and issues that were negotiated in the Trade Agreement between Ecuador and the EU were detailed; In addition, a brief analysis of this agreement was made. At the end of the three chapters of this research, the conclusions and recommendations were made known so that Ecuador could improve its competitiveness and continue to innovate to diversify the exportable supply. Once the research was concluded, it is determined that the European block is of vital importance as it represents a market of 513 million consumers and that through the SGP, Ecuadorian exports could have a stable growth rate. Additionally, it was evidenced that the Multiparty Trade Agreement is giving positive results in terms of exports since during the first six months of this year they increased by 20%
The purpose of this research is to analyze the impact of the General System of Tariff Preferences on the evolution of Ecuadorian exports in the period from 2010 to 2016. For this, data was collected from documents, books and newspaper articles from national and international institutions such as Central Bank of Ecuador, PRO Ecuador, Ministry of Foreign Trade and FEDEXPOR, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Colombia; which allowed us to analyze and make comparisons of Ecuador's position with countries such as Colombia and Peru. In the first chapter the origin was described, objectives that covered the GSP; as well as the countries that grant it and the beneficiaries. It is also announced from and to date this system was maintained in Ecuador. In the second chapter, the background and evolution of trade in Ecuador was explained; besides the analysis and comparison of foreign trade indicators of Ecuador, Colombia and Peru with the EU. In the third chapter, the most relevant conditions and issues that were negotiated in the Trade Agreement between Ecuador and the EU were detailed; In addition, a brief analysis of this agreement was made. At the end of the three chapters of this research, the conclusions and recommendations were made known so that Ecuador could improve its competitiveness and continue to innovate to diversify the exportable supply. Once the research was concluded, it is determined that the European block is of vital importance as it represents a market of 513 million consumers and that through the SGP, Ecuadorian exports could have a stable growth rate. Additionally, it was evidenced that the Multiparty Trade Agreement is giving positive results in terms of exports since during the first six months of this year they increased by 20%
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