Prevalencia de infecciones nosocomiales en el Departamento de Neonatología. Hospital Dr. Francisco de Ycaza Bustamante 2009
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Graduados
Las infecciones nosocomiales son un problema reconocido e importante de salud en el medio intrahospitalario por la elevada morbilidad y mortalidad a la que se asocian que derivan en prolongadas hospitalizaciones lo que representa una notable carga económica para el sector sanitario. Una estrategia importante para tratar de conseguir el control de este tipo de infecciones es el conocimiento de su frecuencia sobre todo en poblaciónes vulnerables como los neonatos. El hospital “Francisco de Icaza Bustamante” no contaba con una actualización de esta información Unidad de Cuidado Neonatológico, dificultándose el desarrollo de intervenciones encaminadas a controlar la aparición de este tipo de complicación. Con el propósito de corregir este problema se desarrolló un estudio de tipo observacional-correlacional de diseño no experimental, longitudinal-retrospectivo, con el objetivo de determinar la prevalencia de infección nosocomial en neonatos en el periodo del 1 de enero al 31 de diciembre del año 2009. Para el análisis estadístico se emplearon frecuencias simples, porcentajes y promedio. Los resultados mostraron una prevalencia baja (9%). El mes de julio fue el de la más alta incidencia con 7 casos (13%). La IN afecta tanto a pacientes de sexo femenino como de sexo masculino (55% y 45%). La edad de los neonatos que presentan infección nosocomial es de más de 48 horas en el 98%. La provincia de donde proceden frecuentemente los casos es Guayas (53%). El agente infeccioso más prevalente es el S. coagulasa negativo (26%). Los defectos congénitos son el factor de riesgo más importante (64%). La mortalidad neonatal provocada por la infección nosocomial es alta (38%). El 90% de los decesos se registran después de las 48 horas (90%).
Nosocomial infections are a recognized problem and important health hospital in the middle of the high morbidity and mortality that are associated with that result in prolonged hospitalization representing a significant economic burden to the health sector. An important strategy to try to get control of these infections is the knowledge of their frequency in particular populations such as neonates. The "Francisco de Icaza Bustamante” hospital, did not have an update to this information Neonatological Care Unit, hindering the development of interventions to control the occurrence of this complication. In order to correct this problem developed an observational study and correlational, non-experimental, longitudinal and retrospective, with the aim of determining the prevalence of nosocomial infection in infants in the period 1 January to 31 December of the year 2009. For the statistical analysis used simple frequencies, percentages and averages. The results showed a low prevalence (9%). July was the highest incidence in 7 cases (13%). NI affects both female patients and male (55% and 45%). The age of infants who had nosocomial infections is more than 48 hours in 98%. The province from which cases are often Guayas (53%). The most prevalent infectious agent is S. coagulase negative (26%). Birth defects are the most important risk factor (64%). Neonatal mortality caused by nosocomial infection is high (38%). 90% of deaths are recorded within 48 hours (90%).
Nosocomial infections are a recognized problem and important health hospital in the middle of the high morbidity and mortality that are associated with that result in prolonged hospitalization representing a significant economic burden to the health sector. An important strategy to try to get control of these infections is the knowledge of their frequency in particular populations such as neonates. The "Francisco de Icaza Bustamante” hospital, did not have an update to this information Neonatological Care Unit, hindering the development of interventions to control the occurrence of this complication. In order to correct this problem developed an observational study and correlational, non-experimental, longitudinal and retrospective, with the aim of determining the prevalence of nosocomial infection in infants in the period 1 January to 31 December of the year 2009. For the statistical analysis used simple frequencies, percentages and averages. The results showed a low prevalence (9%). July was the highest incidence in 7 cases (13%). NI affects both female patients and male (55% and 45%). The age of infants who had nosocomial infections is more than 48 hours in 98%. The province from which cases are often Guayas (53%). The most prevalent infectious agent is S. coagulase negative (26%). Birth defects are the most important risk factor (64%). Neonatal mortality caused by nosocomial infection is high (38%). 90% of deaths are recorded within 48 hours (90%).
Palabras clave
Infección hospitalaria, Prevalencia, Neonatología, Hospital del Niño Francisco de Icaza Bustamante, Cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador