Valor pronóstico del índice de presión arterial y fracción inspirada de oxigeno en pacientes críticos, Hospital Regional del IESS Dr. Teodoro Maldonado Carbo 2009
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Graduados
El paciente crítico frecuentemente desarrolla trastornos del intercambio gaseoso, por el estudio de esta función serviría para establecer el pronóstico. Algunos métodos que sirven para medir esta actividad han demostrado ser poco precisos. Se ha propuesto que el índice de Presión arterial de Oxígeno/Fracción inspirada de oxígeno (PA/FI) podría pronosticar correctamente la evolución del paciente, de manera rápida, sencilla y a bajo costo, pero existen controversias al respecto. La UCI del hospital Regional del IESS “Dr. Teodoro Maldonado Carbo” recibe gran cantidad de pacientes anualmente y muchos requerirán que se evalúe su pronóstico. Cómo el cálculo de PAFI podía ser una opción de evaluación, era necesario establecer su validez. Con este propósito se realizó un estudio de tipo observacional, correlacional, de diseño no experimental, longitudinal retrospectivo que incluyó 42 pacientes críticos supervivientes y 29 que murieron y en los cuales se estableció el índice de la Presión arterial de Oxígeno (PaO2) y la fracción inspirada de oxígeno (FiO2) (PaFi) con el objetivo de correlacionar este valor con el pronóstico de mortalidad. Para el análisis estadístico se emplearán pruebas de análisis de impacto (ARA; Aumento del riesgo Absoluto y OR; Razón de exceso) y pruebas de comparación (Yi2 y Fisher exact) considerándose significativos valores de P < 0.05. Los resultados mostraron que la población pacientes críticos que fallecieron y aquellos que no lo hicieron no registraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (P > 0.05) en relación a edad, sexo, antecedentes de tabaquismo, desarrollo de SIRA en la estancia en UCI, antecedentes de broncoaspiración, necesidad de ventilación mecánica, desarrollo de neumonía y casos de extubación accidental. El PAFI igual o menor a 200 comprobó relacionarse de manera significativa (P > 0.0000)con el pronóstico de mortalidad (OR = 102,6; IC95%: 12,2-860,9 y ARA = 72,7; IC95%: 57,7-87,6).
Critically ill patients frequently develop disorders of gas exchange and noted that these would serve to establish the prognosis. Some methods to measure this activity have proven to be inaccurate. It is proposed that the rate of Pa / Fi could correctly predict the evolution of the patient, quickly, easily and inexpensively. However it has indicated that it may be unreliable. The UCI-IESS hospital, receives a large number of patients each year and many will need to assess their prognosis. PAFI calculation could be an option, so it was necessary to establish its validity. For this purpose set the value of this index was an case control study that included 42 survivors and 29 critically ill patients who died and which has established the rate of PaO (PaO2) and fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) (PAFI) in order to correlate this value with the prediction of mortality. For the statistical analysis used analysis of impact tests (ARA; absolute risk increase and OR; Reason excess), and comparison tests (and Fisher exact Yi2) considered significant values of P <0.05. The results showed that people critically ill patients who died and those who did not were not statistically significant differences (P> 0.05) with regard to age, sex, smoking history, development of ARDS in the ICU stay, history of aspiration, mechanical ventilation, pneumonia and dsarrollo cases of accidental extubation. The PAFI equal to or less than 200 found to relate significantly (P> 0.0000) with the prediction of mortality (OR = 102.6, 95% CI 12.2 to 860.9 and O = 72.7, 95%: 57 ,7-87, 6)
Critically ill patients frequently develop disorders of gas exchange and noted that these would serve to establish the prognosis. Some methods to measure this activity have proven to be inaccurate. It is proposed that the rate of Pa / Fi could correctly predict the evolution of the patient, quickly, easily and inexpensively. However it has indicated that it may be unreliable. The UCI-IESS hospital, receives a large number of patients each year and many will need to assess their prognosis. PAFI calculation could be an option, so it was necessary to establish its validity. For this purpose set the value of this index was an case control study that included 42 survivors and 29 critically ill patients who died and which has established the rate of PaO (PaO2) and fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) (PAFI) in order to correlate this value with the prediction of mortality. For the statistical analysis used analysis of impact tests (ARA; absolute risk increase and OR; Reason excess), and comparison tests (and Fisher exact Yi2) considered significant values of P <0.05. The results showed that people critically ill patients who died and those who did not were not statistically significant differences (P> 0.05) with regard to age, sex, smoking history, development of ARDS in the ICU stay, history of aspiration, mechanical ventilation, pneumonia and dsarrollo cases of accidental extubation. The PAFI equal to or less than 200 found to relate significantly (P> 0.0000) with the prediction of mortality (OR = 102.6, 95% CI 12.2 to 860.9 and O = 72.7, 95%: 57 ,7-87, 6)
Palabras clave
Indice de oxigenación, Indice PAFI, Indice de oxigenación tisular, Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos, Hospital de Especialidades Dr. Teodoro Maldonado Carbo, Cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador, Presión arterial, Pacientes críticos, Estudios retrospectivos