Análisis del conocimiento de los trabajadores de la ciudad de Portovelo sobre leyes laborales para la creación de un programa radial
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Comunicación Social
El propósito de este trabajo de comunicación es difundir con facilidad las leyes laborales que amparan a un trabajador. Un medio de comunicación masivo como la radio nos permitirá llegar abiertamente con una nueva propuesta que va más allá del simple entretenimiento musical, ya que en este capítulo de la radio ecuatoriana daremos prioridad a toda aquella comunidad proletariada que es el eje principal de toda actividad que en su gran mayoría desconocen de sus derechos que pueden ser reclamados con justicia para su propio bienestar. La mecánica a utilizarse en los mensajes, orientación y entrevistas será desarrollada de una manera sencilla para que nuestro público objetivo lo pueda asimilar con rapidez y sentido común. Esto nos garantizará un raiting masivo tomando en cuenta que todos trabajamos y sin duda queremos que se respeten nuestros derechos. Tenemos como ineludible misión fomentar
equidad, justicia y compromiso entre el empleador y trabajador o viceversa. Porque también nuestro programa abarcará los deberes que un empleado se compromete a cumplir con quien lo ha contratado para
desempeñar un cargo. El ambiente de explotación y abusos constantes con la comunidad laboral nos ha inspirado para el desarrollo y ejecución de nuestro tema, teniendo la plena seguridad de que vamos a llegar a espacios totalmente descuidados y aunque conscientes de que podemos ganarnos contrarios a la ejecución de este proyecto, nuestro objetivo principal es concienciar a las empresas de que su motor productivo debe ser bien tratado.
The purpose of this paper is to promote communication with ease labor laws that protect a worker. A mass medium like radio will allow us openly with a new proposal that goes beyond mere musical entertainment, as this chapter of the radio Ecuadorian give priority to any proletariada that community is the backbone of any activity mostly unaware of their rights can be claimed with justice for their own welfare. The mechanism to be used in messages, guidance and interviews will be developed in a simple way to our target audience can absorb it quickly and common sense. This will ensure a massive raiting considering that all work and no doubt we want to respect our rights. We inescapable mission to promote equity, fairness and commitment between employer and worker or vice versa. Because our program also will cover the duties that an employee agrees to comply with whom it has contracted to perform a job. The environment of exploitation and abuse consistent with the labor community has inspired us to the development and implementation of our subject, with the full assurance that we will reach totally neglected spaces and although aware that we can win against the implementation of this project our main goal is to educate businesses that their production engine should be well treated.
The purpose of this paper is to promote communication with ease labor laws that protect a worker. A mass medium like radio will allow us openly with a new proposal that goes beyond mere musical entertainment, as this chapter of the radio Ecuadorian give priority to any proletariada that community is the backbone of any activity mostly unaware of their rights can be claimed with justice for their own welfare. The mechanism to be used in messages, guidance and interviews will be developed in a simple way to our target audience can absorb it quickly and common sense. This will ensure a massive raiting considering that all work and no doubt we want to respect our rights. We inescapable mission to promote equity, fairness and commitment between employer and worker or vice versa. Because our program also will cover the duties that an employee agrees to comply with whom it has contracted to perform a job. The environment of exploitation and abuse consistent with the labor community has inspired us to the development and implementation of our subject, with the full assurance that we will reach totally neglected spaces and although aware that we can win against the implementation of this project our main goal is to educate businesses that their production engine should be well treated.
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