Satisfacción laboral de las personas con discapacidad en las instituciones Públicas, Ciudad de Guayaquil
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La satisfacción laboral de las personas con discapacidad en las instituciones públicas, es un
tema que no ha estado sujeto a revisión alguna por parte del estado siendo éste el promotor
incansable de la inclusión laboral, no basta el solo cumplir con el porcentaje establecido en
la Ley de trabajadores con discapacidad, depende de varios factores para que brinden un
rendimiento óptimo en sus labores. Mediante la aplicación del método no experimental de
diseño transeccional, se logra conocer lo que sucede dentro del entorno laboral de cada
entrevistado, el clima organizacional y si se encuentra satisfecho en su lugar de trabajo. Con
el resultado de la investigación se conoce que no existe algún organismo que se encargue de
supervisar y controlar a las instituciones, con respecto al cumplimiento de las reformas de
inserción laboral y, conocer cuál es el ambiente laboral en el que se encuentran las personas
con discapacidad, debido a sus comentarios de insatisfacción, dicen estar desamparados,
deseando una total atención por parte del estado, a la espera de que a futuro la Asamblea
apruebe la creación de un ministerio u organismo que se encargue de ejecutar lo establecido
en la Ley. Las actuales reformas han beneficiado a las personas con discapacidad, pero aún
falta mucho por hacer, con el presente plan estratégico se propone a las instituciones públicas
fomentar la integración entre su personal y mejorar el entorno laboral, con el fin de generar
un mejor rendimiento laboral aumentar la satisfacción y buen desempeño de sus labores.
The job satisfaction of people with disabilities in public institutions is an issue that has not been subject to any revision by the state being the untiring promoter of labor insertion, it is not enough to only comply with the percentage established in the Law Of workers with disabilities depends on several factors to provide optimal performance in their work. By means of the non-experimental method of transectional design, it is possible to know what happens within the work environment of each interviewee, if he is satisfied in his workplace and the organizational climate with this vulnerable group of society. With the result of the research work it is known that there is no agency that is in charge of supervising and controlling the institutions if they are complying with the new labor reforms of insertion, and to know the labor environment in which the People with disabilities, because of their comments of dissatisfaction, say they are helpless, wanting full attention from the state, waiting for the Assembly in the future to approve the creation of a ministry or body that is responsible for executing what is established in the Law. The new reforms have benefited people with disabilities, but much remains to be done, with the design of a strategic plan, it is proposed that public institutions give due attention, follow up activities that improve job satisfaction by creating an increase in good performance of their labors.
The job satisfaction of people with disabilities in public institutions is an issue that has not been subject to any revision by the state being the untiring promoter of labor insertion, it is not enough to only comply with the percentage established in the Law Of workers with disabilities depends on several factors to provide optimal performance in their work. By means of the non-experimental method of transectional design, it is possible to know what happens within the work environment of each interviewee, if he is satisfied in his workplace and the organizational climate with this vulnerable group of society. With the result of the research work it is known that there is no agency that is in charge of supervising and controlling the institutions if they are complying with the new labor reforms of insertion, and to know the labor environment in which the People with disabilities, because of their comments of dissatisfaction, say they are helpless, wanting full attention from the state, waiting for the Assembly in the future to approve the creation of a ministry or body that is responsible for executing what is established in the Law. The new reforms have benefited people with disabilities, but much remains to be done, with the design of a strategic plan, it is proposed that public institutions give due attention, follow up activities that improve job satisfaction by creating an increase in good performance of their labors.
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