Análisis del contenido e imagen de los mensajes que se transmiten en televisión con la propuesta de la creación de un programa con carácter cristiano
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Comunicación Social
El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación es examinar, reconocer, orientar y actualizar a todas las personas sobre los mensajes que se transmiten a diario en los medios de comunicación. Las personas en esta época no toman conciencia de los mensaje que dejan los programa que se trasmiten, muchas veces con mensajes subliminales que dañan la mente y orientación de los más pequeños de la casa, que son quienes están expuestos a diario. Debido a la problemática que existe en nuestra sociedad se ha creado una propuesta de crear un programa con carácter cristiano llamado “Camino a la Verdad” donde mostraran sus exponentes todo lo relacionado con los mensajes que dejan los medios y que influyen psicológicamente en cada una de las personas, además enseñaran como tomar mejores rumbos de vida. A diario se ven programas o mensajes que inclinan a la sexualidad, suicidios, delincuencia, narcotráfico, violencia y maltrato como novelas, películas, series animadas etc. Todo esto daña a la persona ya que en nuestros tiempos existe mucha maldad, delincuentes que son inspirados por novelas de narcotráfico que cometen delitos graves. Cosas como están son las que se quieren evitar en la sociedad, por eso se ha creado este programa para que así las personas se eduquen y se comuniquen de las complicaciones que pueden traer estos programas, tener cuidado con lo que ven sus hijos no solamente en la televisión sino en la redes sociales. En ocasiones personas como estas se arrepienten y toman otro rumbo o camino, y que mejor camino que el de Dios quien es el único que podrá juzgarlos y perdonarlos. Se utilizará la investigación exploratoria que mide el grado que tiene la sociedad en conocimientos cristianos esto ayudara a la humanidad a cambiar y a tomar mejores decisiones antes de comer delitos y asesinatos.
The objective of this research is to examine, recognize, orient and update everyone on the messages sent daily in the media. People in this age do not realize the message left by the program to be transmitted, often subliminal messages that damage the mind and orientation of the smallest of the house, who are exposed daily. Because of the problems that exist in our society has created a proposal to create a program with Christian character called "Road to Truth" where its exponents show anything related to the messages left by the media and psychologically influencing each people also show how to make better life bearings. Daily programs or messages are you inclined to sexuality, suicide, crime, drug trafficking, violence and abuse as novels, films, animated series and so on. This harms the person as in our times there is much evil, criminals who are inspired by novels of serious drug offenders. Things as they are the ones that are to be avoided in society, so this program was created so that people will educate and communicate the complications that can bring these programs, be careful what they see their children not only in television but in social networks. Sometimes people how are you repent and take another course or path, and what better way than God who is the only one who can judge them and forgive them. Exploratory research will be used to measure the degree that society has on Christians know this will help humanity to change and make better decisions before eating crimes and murders.
The objective of this research is to examine, recognize, orient and update everyone on the messages sent daily in the media. People in this age do not realize the message left by the program to be transmitted, often subliminal messages that damage the mind and orientation of the smallest of the house, who are exposed daily. Because of the problems that exist in our society has created a proposal to create a program with Christian character called "Road to Truth" where its exponents show anything related to the messages left by the media and psychologically influencing each people also show how to make better life bearings. Daily programs or messages are you inclined to sexuality, suicide, crime, drug trafficking, violence and abuse as novels, films, animated series and so on. This harms the person as in our times there is much evil, criminals who are inspired by novels of serious drug offenders. Things as they are the ones that are to be avoided in society, so this program was created so that people will educate and communicate the complications that can bring these programs, be careful what they see their children not only in television but in social networks. Sometimes people how are you repent and take another course or path, and what better way than God who is the only one who can judge them and forgive them. Exploratory research will be used to measure the degree that society has on Christians know this will help humanity to change and make better decisions before eating crimes and murders.
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