Análisis de los problemas de pornografía en la ciudad de Guayaquil, para la creación de una campaña de conciencia social
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Comunicación Social.
El propósito de este trabajo de investigación es observar, identificar evaluar e implementar campañas de conciencia social que permitan a los podres de familia mantenerse al pendiente de sus hijos, con respecto a los lugares donde van ya sea para hacer sus tareas, salir con sus amigos, qué tiempo se demoran, cómo utilizan la tecnología para hacer sus tareas, las redes sociales, entre otros. Hoy en día la tecnología está muy avanzada tanto que no tiene control alguno, uno de los casos es que la mayoría de cyber no bloquean las páginas pornográficas, las con libre acceso para todo público, los autores de este proyecto visitaron algunos de estos negocios en la que pudieron constatar que niños y jóvenes de entre 8 a 15 años que algunos portaban sus uniformes observaban pornografía por internet, es decir que no hay control ni restricción de esas páginas; lo mismo sucede con los locales de venta de CD (películas videos, etc.),a menores de edad les venden película pornográficas y sin control alguno. Con el material investigado, se estudió la posibilidad de realizar campañas de conciencia social dirigida para los padres de familia, niños, niñas jóvenes y adultos en general sobre todo para los dueños de estos negocios para que brinden mayor seguridad para los menores de edad y poder garantizar su buen desarrollo sobre todo intelectual. Las herramientas a utilizarse, serán encuestas en la ciudad de Guayaquil solo así se logrará un resultado muy acertado de lo investigado.
The purpose of this research is to observe , identify, evaluate and implement campaigns for social awareness to enable rotten family keep an eye on their children, with regard to the place where they go either to do homework, go out with friends, how long does it take, how to use technology to do their homework, social networking, among others. Today technology is advanced while having no control, one case is that most do not block cyber porn pages, with free access for all age groups, the authors of this project visited some of these businesses in you could see that children and young people aged 8 to 15 years that some wore their uniforms watching Internet pornography, ie there is no control or restriction of those pages, so do local retail CD ( movies videos, etc. . ), minors are sold without any control porn film. With the investigated materials, the possibility of social awareness campaigns directed to parents, children, young girls and adults in general especially for the owners of these businesses to provide increased safety for minors and power is studied ensure smooth development especially intellectual. The tools used are surveys in the city of Guayaquil and a very successful one for the investigation will be achieved.
The purpose of this research is to observe , identify, evaluate and implement campaigns for social awareness to enable rotten family keep an eye on their children, with regard to the place where they go either to do homework, go out with friends, how long does it take, how to use technology to do their homework, social networking, among others. Today technology is advanced while having no control, one case is that most do not block cyber porn pages, with free access for all age groups, the authors of this project visited some of these businesses in you could see that children and young people aged 8 to 15 years that some wore their uniforms watching Internet pornography, ie there is no control or restriction of those pages, so do local retail CD ( movies videos, etc. . ), minors are sold without any control porn film. With the investigated materials, the possibility of social awareness campaigns directed to parents, children, young girls and adults in general especially for the owners of these businesses to provide increased safety for minors and power is studied ensure smooth development especially intellectual. The tools used are surveys in the city of Guayaquil and a very successful one for the investigation will be achieved.
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