Correlación citológica, colposcópica e histopatológica en pacientes con patologías cervicales. Hospital Regional 2 IESS Dr. Teodoro Maldonado Carbo 2010-2011
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Graduados
El cáncer cervical es la segunda neoplasia más común en el mundo. La mayoría se presenta en países en vía de desarrollo. En Ecuador produce el 1,2% de todas las muertes. Un número importante de decesos podrían evitarse con pruebas de tamizaje para detectar lesiones preneoplásicas o de lesiones neoplásicas en fase inicial, permitiendo la realización de intervenciones terapéuticas eficientes y eficaces, por lo que los métodos empleados para estudiar la patología de cérvix uterino, deben ser evaluados. Con el objetivo de establecer el grado de correlación entre la citología de cérvix, la colposcopia y el informe histopatológico en pacientes con patología de cuello uterino, atendidos en el hospital Regional 2 del IESS “Dr. Teodoro Maldonado Carbo” en el período 2010-2011, se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo de diseño no experimental transversal en el que se incluyeron 100 casos de pacientes en quienes se realizó un frotis de cérvix uterino y que contaron con estudio colposcópico en la consulta de la Clínica de Patología cervical del Servicio de Consulta Externa de esta institución. Para el análisis estadístico se emplearon porcentajes, frecuencias simples, promedios, desviación estándar, sensibilidad, especificidad, valor predictivo positivo, valor predictivo negativo. Los resultados mostraron que el 30% de las pacientes incluidas tuvieron entre 30 a 39 años. El 63% inició las relaciones sexuales entre los 10 y 19 años. El 99% informó entre 1 a 5 compañeros sexuales. El 55% indicaron una paridad de entre 1 a 3. En el 61% el informe de los frotis de cérvix en extensión de Papanicolaou fueron clasificadas como LIE de bajo grado. Mediante colposcopia el 81% se clasificó igual. En el estudio histopatológico, el 75% de las lesiones fueron clasificadas en la misma categoría. Los diagnósticos de Papanicolaou concordaron con el estudio histopatológico en el 64% y los de colposcopia en el 93%.
Cervical cancer is the second most common malignancy in the world. The majority occur in developing countries. In Ecuador produces 1.2% of all deaths. A significant number of deaths could be prevented with screening tests for detecting preneoplastic or neoplastic lesions in early stage, allowing the realization of efficient and effective therapeutic interventions, so that the methods used to study the pathology of the uterine cervix should be evaluated. In order to establish the degree of correlation between cervical cytology, colposcopy and histopathology report in patients with cervical pathology treated at the hospital IESS Regional 2 "Dr. Teodoro Maldonado Carbo "in the period 2010-2011, we conducted a descriptive study of cross-sectional non-experimental design that included 100 cases of patients who underwent uterine cervical smears and colposcopic study benefited from consulting Cervical Pathology Clinic Outpatient Service of the institution. For the statistical analysis used percentages, simple frequencies, averages, standard deviation, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value. The definite outcomes showed that 30% of the patients enrolled were 30 to 39 years. 63% had sex between 10 and 19. 99% reported 1 to 5 sexual partners. 55% indicated a parity of 1 to 3. In 61% the reporting of cervical smear Pap extension were classified as low-grade SIL. By colposcopy, 81% were classified as. In the histopathological study, 75% of lesions were classified into the same category. Pap diagnoses agreed with histopathology in 64% and colposcopy at 93%.
Cervical cancer is the second most common malignancy in the world. The majority occur in developing countries. In Ecuador produces 1.2% of all deaths. A significant number of deaths could be prevented with screening tests for detecting preneoplastic or neoplastic lesions in early stage, allowing the realization of efficient and effective therapeutic interventions, so that the methods used to study the pathology of the uterine cervix should be evaluated. In order to establish the degree of correlation between cervical cytology, colposcopy and histopathology report in patients with cervical pathology treated at the hospital IESS Regional 2 "Dr. Teodoro Maldonado Carbo "in the period 2010-2011, we conducted a descriptive study of cross-sectional non-experimental design that included 100 cases of patients who underwent uterine cervical smears and colposcopic study benefited from consulting Cervical Pathology Clinic Outpatient Service of the institution. For the statistical analysis used percentages, simple frequencies, averages, standard deviation, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value. The definite outcomes showed that 30% of the patients enrolled were 30 to 39 years. 63% had sex between 10 and 19. 99% reported 1 to 5 sexual partners. 55% indicated a parity of 1 to 3. In 61% the reporting of cervical smear Pap extension were classified as low-grade SIL. By colposcopy, 81% were classified as. In the histopathological study, 75% of lesions were classified into the same category. Pap diagnoses agreed with histopathology in 64% and colposcopy at 93%.
Palabras clave
Enfermedades del cuello del útero, Citología, Colposcopía, Tamizaje, Hospital de Especialidades Dr. Teodoro Maldonado Carbo, Cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador, Histopatología, Correlación de datos